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Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies novel Chapter 227

Chapter 227 Anne looked at Sarah, but Sarah avoided her gaze. Anne was so furious thatshe asked, "Was the lesson before not enough? Why must you bother her? Do you really want to die in Anthony's hands?" "Mmph, mmph! Mmph, mmph, mmph!" Anne could not speak, and she could only explain that way.

Anne felt helpless, anxious, and angry.

She did not want to figure out Sarah’s argument.

Then, she called Anthony.

After all, she could not watch and do nothing as Sarah was tortured.

The phone rang for a while before Anthony finally picked up, and Anne hurriedly said, “I’m sorry.

My mom didn’t mean it.

P-Please, forgive her! Y-You can ask me to do anything!" “What can you do?” Anthony’s deep and terrifying voice sounded.

What could she do? Anna’s mind was a mess.

"Where are you? I'll go and find you, okay?" "Figure it out,” Anthony replied and hung up.

Anne checked Anthony's location on her phone, and she was grateful for that as it was her hope of finding him.

After all, he could be in the Archduke Group, Royal Mansion, bar, or clubhouse, which could help hersave a lot of time.

However, Anne stared blankly at Anthony's location on her phone, he was not in those places, but inher neighborhood, waiting for Anne to fall right into his trap.

Anne returned to her neighborhood and walked upstairs.

The door was open, and she quickly saw the scary man sitting on the sofa.

Anne walked in and closed the door as if she feared others noticing she was a victim.

Then, she took a few steps forward, trying to lighten the mood by saying, “It’s just a few offensive words, so there’s no need to makesuch a big fuss, right?" Anthony's eyes were gloomy and cold, and his whole body exuded a frightening aura.

"You really think so?" Anthony looked at her with an unreadable expression.

Anne really thought so, but she did not dare to believe it was so anymore.

After all, Anthony would definitely help Bianca vent her anger.

“I’m sorry, and I apologize for what happened.


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