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Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies novel Chapter 281

Chapter 281

The door suddenly flew open.

Both Sarah and Anne paled when they saw Blanca walking in.

Sarah slammed the spoon in her hand onto the table and stood up. "How dare you show your face here? Gel lost if you don't want me to pull all your hair out!”

"What are you talking about? I only came because I heard Anne was rushed to the hospital. How unappreciative for you to chase me out like that. You really have no manners, do you?" Bianca was not at all intimidated by Sarah's threats.

"Your mother is the one who fails to teach you manners for not teaching you that you should knock before entering a room! " Sarah was not good at fighting, but she was confident when it came to insulting someone.

Provoked by the insult directed to her parents, Bianca said, " Whose mother failed, exactly, considering how your daughter seduced someone's man and got knocked up?"

"Someone's man? Whose? Are you talking about yourself? Is Anthony your man? How is it that I don't know? Anne, did you know about this?" Sarah asked Anne sarcastically, before continuing to shoot vicious insults toward Bianca. "Have you and Anthony gotten married? Or has he agreed to marry you? If he hasn't, I can very well accuse you of seducing Anne's man! After all, they had a child together. What do you have? That smug mouth of yours?”

Bianca clenched her fists in rage and gritted out, "You homewreckers are all the same. J can never compare to your ability to bend reality and rationalize your action of trying to steal someone else's man! So what if they had a child? What happened

after that? The baby is dead and she will never have another child again. This is karma!"

Anne noticed that something was wrong and scowled. “What do you mean?”

Startled, Sarah immediately tried to stop discussing the topic. " Nothing. Ignore her, Anne. Bianca, get out!” She moved to drag Bianca out.

Bianca shoved her aside and strode up to Anne with a smug grin. ” Seems like you don’t know anything yet, huh? Let me be the one to tell you then!”

"You b*tch, get out...” Sarah tried to stop her, but Anne interrupted.

"Let her say it.”

"Anne...” Sarah tensed.

"She came all the way here. It must be frustrating for her if she doesn't get to let it out, right?” Anne said expressionlessly.

"There's severe damage to your uterus that caused the hemorrhage, so you have lost the ability to get pregnant again.” Bianca stared intently at Anne's face to not miss any sign of misery.

Anne froze wordlessly, but her hand hidden underneath the blanket started trembling. To keep it from Bianca's sight, she held onto the blanket and reeled in her emotions so that there was no change to her expression.

Sarah held her breath, desperately hoping that she could tear Bianca into shreds.

"How sad it is to watch you pretend to be strong." Bianca's face twisted viciously, creating a contrast to her beautiful features.

"So you were the one who bribed the doctor into making me think

that the abortion was a success the first time I went to the hospital, in hope that this is going to happen." Anne said.

Bianca straightened her back while smiling ferociously. "Who knows? 1 don't know what you are talking about. Your mom struck me and Anthony happened to see it. You know just how much Anthony cares about me. It's a shame for a woman like you to be infertile. Who would want a woman who can't bear any children? Even ordinary men would stay away from you. How pathetic. Oh well, who knows what the future brings. You can still adopt one from the orphanage if you want to. It won't be your own, but you ought to develop some feelings for them as time goes by, right?"

Bianca left smugly after saying what she needed to say. Her intention was to make sure that Anne comprehended her current situation and that an infertile woman like her was no match for Bianca.

Sarah went to slam the door close. "Look at how smug she is!" She then turned to walk towards the bed. She wanted to console Anne, but didn't know what to say.


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