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Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies novel Chapter 629

Chapter 629

A hint of slyness flashed across Anne’s eyes. She calmly said, “No.”

“Using the children to seduce Anthony, do you think I’ll buy it? You even had the guts to tell dad that you like Anthony? Are you trying to make me sick?” Bianca’s vicious voice could be heard coming from the other end of the call. “You might be smug now, but it won’t be for long!”

“I don’t need to use the children. You’re overthinking this.”

“What you mean is that even without the children, Anthony would still run to you?” Bianca sneered. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

Anne could just hang up the call, but she did not do so.

She patiently listened to Bianca’s arrogant words.

“I know what you’re thinking. You want to replace me to become the Mrs. Marwood that everyone envies. As long as I’m still here, you can dream on! Just like your mother, you can only be a mistress in this life!”

“You’re wrong. I purely like Anthony for who he is. I don’t need a name or a status,” Anne said.

“Even so, I won’t tolerate you either!” Bianca said in an angry and vicious tone, “You still have your children now, so use them wisely. If not, if they were to accidentally die, your losses will be tragic!”

Anne’s gaze turned cold. “Bianca, you’ll be a mother in the future too. You should watch your words!”

“Anthony’s and my child will be the world’s most precious child. How could your triplets be any match? They will surely have a short life!”

“Bianca, if you’re in front of me right now, I’ll tear that mouth of yours into pieces!”

“Bring it on!” Bianca was not afraid of her. “If you hurt me, see how Anthony will slowly torture you to death and kick that b*tch of a mother of yours out of Luton again.”

“I find it hard to imagine how many terrible things a person like you would do once you marry Anthony in the future,” Anne said, “it must be hard pretending to be a good person now, right?”

“You’re right. The first person I’ll make sure vanishes from the face of the earth is you! Then, I’ll get your children to accompany you too! On one hand, I’m his wife, while on the other hand, you’re just an illegitimate child of a sl*tty b*tch. Who would care whether you live or die? Anyway, I’ll just give Anthony more children in the future. Anne, I’m going to see how much longer you could be smug.”

Then, she hung up.

After Anne was threatened maliciously by Bianca, she was unexpectedly very calm.

After all, this phone of hers was not very secure…

Returning to the bedroom, she saw her three adorable children. She happily rushed toward them. “Mama’s coming!”

“Ah! Ah! Ah!” The three of them scurried around.

Anne pounced on the springy bed.

The three children, who scurried away, immediately came over again. “Mama, do you want to be the Big Bad Wolf?”

“We’re the little bunnies!”


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