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Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies novel Chapter 839

Chapter 839
She could not believe that the person in front of her was her mother.
Her mother was fine two days ago, how could it be…
“Arghhhhhhh!” Anne yelled uncontrollably, holding her head.
Anthony covered Sarah’s face with a white cloth, hugged her to prevent her from seeing, and took her out.
As soon as they went out, the police came over and said, “Mr. Marwood, the security guard called to say that he saw someone approaching the deceased.”
Anthony looked coldly. “Why didn’t you say that before?”
“Because he didn’t know that this would happen.”
“Bring him here!”
No one expected the person brought here to be Ron.
When Anthony saw him, his black eyes suddenly narrowed.
Anne, who was sitting on the chair next to her, stood up, stunned, as she looked at Ron coming over.
How could it be Ron…
When Ron saw Anthony, his expression was unnatural.
“What is your name? What is your relation to the victim? Yesterday morning, did you see her in the cemetery?” asked the policeman.
Ron did not want to cooperate, but seeing that Anthony was staring at him, he said in terror, “My name is Ron, and Sarah is my ex-wife. I did see her in the cemetery yesterday morning.”
“What were you doing at the cemetery?” the policeman asked again.
“My father was buried there, and I was paying my respects,” Ron said.
“Did you get into conflict with the victim?”
Ron’s eyes flicked to the side. “No. I just talked to her.”
“What did you tell her?”
“She was crying in front of another man’s grave, so I asked her if she really loved me,” Ron said with a poker face.
“Are you sure there was no physical contact?”
“No, I just said a few words and left. Are you done with your questioning? Can I leave?” Ron impatiently said.
“Let’s take your DNA! You can only be released if you are cleared of all suspicions,” said the policeman.
The forensics department quickly matched the fingerprints and handed the results over to the police. The tissue DNA in the deceased’s fingernails matches Ron’s DNA.”
Anne got up from her seat, feeling pained and angry. “Why did you kill her?!”
Anthony clenched his hand into a fist, his veins bulged, trembling slightly, and his voice was extremely suppressed and hoarse. “You were the murderer?”
The atmosphere in the room suddenly became suffocating.
Ron denied, “I didn’t kill Sarah! Why would I kill her?”
“The dead person’s nails contained your DNA. How do you explain that?” the policeman asked.
“We had an argument…” Ron admitted.
“You denied that just now though,” said the policeman.


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