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Pregnant and Abandoned but the Billionaire to the Rescue novel Chapter 48

Nancy virtually ran to her quarters. She could not understand why she was reacting this way. Why had Jason's kiss affected her the way it had? She thought that everything concerning romantic feelings were no longer for her. She had schooled her body not to feel and had succeeded so far and why not given what she had been through and with her struggle for survival but one single kiss had made her wild.

She had lied about it being her way of comforting Jason but she knew that was not entirely the truth. She had enjoyed the kiss and had wanted it to continue and it was only because of her shock at her wanton behaviour that she had pushed him away regretfully.

Even now, her body was still tingling from the effect of that kiss. She had not been kissed so deliciously that way. Not even with Rodney had she felt her inhibitions give way that easily.

She had become intimate with Rodney to prove to him that she loved him. She had not really been ready to do that otherwise. She had thought that he loved her. He had showered her with so much love and attention and money. She had been spoilt by him. She was given whatever she wanted or needed even before she could ask, provided it was what money could buy.

She had mistaken his generosity for love and care.

She had thought that he must love her so much to take time away from his work in London to be with her and make sure that she lacked nothing and when he pressured her to give in to his base desires, she had felt that that was the least that she could do.

She remembered clearly her first time with him. They had been dating for about a month and he had started being persistent about sleeping with her. She should have heard the warning bells then but she was too smitten with him to have paid any heed to any warnings.

'Let us wait a bit darling, I am saving myself for our wedding night ' she had said snuggling close to him.

'You are saving it for me right? Well why not give it to me now? I love you so much that I cannot bear to wait any longer to make you mine. I am always afraid whenever I am not with you. I feel that other men would see your exceeding beauty and take you from me!'

'But nobody can take me away from you. I love you so much. I love you and you alone.I am a one man - woman and could never be disloyal to you, ever', she had sworn still wrapped in his arms.

He had kissed her then Thoroughly. And she had felt lived and cherished and her desires had been awakened.

'That is just one thing I love about you. You are loyal. There is no trait of disloyalty in you and I am like that as well. We are alike in that way. But can't you see, since we are vowed to be faithful to each other and we both love each other and know that we are meant for each other, what difference does it make when we consumate our relationship? Love does not count all that. It is merely childish and old fashioned. If you really want to wait till our wedding night, then I shall definitely oblige you but I do not see the need for that if we really love and trust each other except of course you have your doubts concerning our relationship?'

'No, no. I have no doubts at all. I may have had doubts at first but not anymore. I know that you could never hurt me'

'Then why hesitate? If there is really so much love and trust, why is there so much distance?' he asked and she thought that she could see the sincerity in his eyes and hear it in his voice and she had allowed his roaming hands to draw her even closer.

He had kissed her fiercely but must have recollected himself and treating her tenderly, he impatiently discarded her clothes, stroking her breasts, caressing her body and she had become hot. Hot and yearning.

Chapter 48: Reminiscing 1


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