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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 103

#Chapter 103 Odette’s Library

her slender fingers down my chest.

Groaning, I steal one last kiss before returning to my starting position. Bracing myself for the imminent battle, I try to put myself into a mindset that will allow me to do what is necessary. You’re helping her, you’re helping her, you’re helping her. I think somewhat manically.

“Go!” Selene calls with absolute determination.

This time I’m finally able to lunge at her with true ferocity, growling and snapping like the wild animal I keep buried deep inside. However it seems I’m no longer the problem, because while I attack my mate with total commitment, she cannot seem to safeguard herself. Her defensive stance relaxes even as I charge forward, a beautiful smile stretching across her face as my wolf attacks.

It seems Selene is no more capable of fearing me, as I am of threatening her.

This is hopeless.


Things have been very uncertain since Selene returned. The entire city has been in an uproar every second of the day, and convincing the aristocracy to accept my daughter-in-law and granddaughter has been no small feat.

Needless to say, the last few weeks have been an emotional roller-coaster, but I’m convinced it’s all for the best. Bastien has been a shadow of himself ever since Selene left – a condition I understand all too well. I’m beyond thrilled that his heart and spirit has been restored, and I want nothing more than peace for my family.

Still, when I enter the garden this afternoon and find my son in his wolf form, mid-way through an attack on his mate, can’t help but pull up short. Granted, Selene doesn’t seem the least bit bothered. In fact, she looks somewhat delighted to have her mate treating her so aggressively.

“What in the Goddess’s name are you doing?” I question, glancing back and forth between them.

“I’m trying to get Bastien to attack me, but he’s too chicken.” Selene complains, her lovely eyes glittering with mirth.

My son growls, and Selene shivers with delight. For a moment I’m reminded so viscerally of Gabriel that my heart hurts. I remember that glorious tension between lust and fear so profoundly that I feel a loss even now, so many years after my mate died

“And why do you want him to attack you?” I ask skeptically.

Selene rolls her eyes as if her next words “Because, the other day someone tried to attack me -”

“What'” i interrupt, incapable of smothering my instinctive response. “Are you alright? What happened!”

“I’m fine, honestly, everyone is missing the pointi” Selene exclaims, showing more defiance and backbone than I can ever recall seeing from her before. “Which is that I was able to repel them without touching them.” Her two-toned eyes bore into mine, imploring me to understand, “It was like magic. I tapped into some sort of new power, and we’re trying to recreate the phenomenon.”

It’s a serious matter, but I cannot contain my amusement. Laughter bubbles from my chest in an irrepressible rush. “Well of course that won’t worki” exclaim, “he’s your mate, you know he won’t hurt you.”


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