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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 108

#Chapter 108 You Promised!


“Bastien, put me down!” i exclaim, squirming as he carts me through the pack house in his arms. “I can walk!”

“I know you can walk.” He growls, hitching me closer, “I’m carrying you because I don’t trust you not to run away and do something crazy if I leave you to your own devices.”

This isn’t good. Bastien has barely said a word to me since realizing that I must have intentionally jumped into the pool. Instead he scooped me up and stormed out of Nova Hall, refusing to speak to his mother or anyone else. He charged back over to the pack house so quickly I can scarcely believe he’s still in human form.

Now he’s stomping around in a silent rage, swinging me around like a sack of potatoes while steam billows from his ears.

Bastien charges up the stairs and pushes into the apartment without pausing, and the sounds of Lila’s tears immediately reach my ears. I twist around, trying to find my pup, but Bastien doesn’t let me move from his iron grip.

“Lila?” I call, listening with Bastien’s breath as her wails dissolve to sniffles, and then her tiny voice chirps, “Mommy?”

“I’m here, my love.” I promise, but to my surprise, when she appears in my periphery, I’m not the one she’s running towards.

“Daddy where you go?!” She exclaims sullenly, charging my mate’s legs.

*Im sorry, Lila Bean.” Bastien professes gently, setting my feet on the ground and leaning down to catch her before she collides with his shins. “I’m here now, come here.”

My pup throws her arms around his neck, crying pitifully while he rubs her back and whispers soothing nonsense in her ear.

I’m not entirely sure what to do – this is a first. I’m always the one Lila turns to for comfort, I’ve never had to stand by and watch someone else care for my daughter this way. On one hand I think I should feel upset, but honestly I’m simply touched to know how quickly Lila has bonded to her father.

“Thank you Anna,” I say to Donovan’s sister, knowing that in a few minutes the last thing we’re going to need is an audience. “I appreciate your help this afternoon. What do I owe you?”

After paying Anna and seeing her to the door, I turn to find my husband glaring at me from a few feet away. For one panicked moment I contemplate running out the door behind the babysitter, but then my pup is looking me up and down with confusion. “Mommy, why’re you wet?” Lila asks, crinkling up her tiny nose.

Before I can reply Bastien answers in a low growl, “Because Mommy has been very bad.”

Shooting my husband a furibus glance I mouth, don’t tell her that!

He arches a heavy brow, as if to ask if he should lie to her. Before I can react, Lila has another question on her tongue.

“Mommies can be bad?” She inquires with amazement, her two-toned eyes wide.

“Of course,” my mate explains ominously, “anyone can be bad, and today your Mommy decided to try and go for a swim.”

“But Mommy, you can’t swim!” Lila reminds me.

“No, she can’t.” Bastien agrees darkly, looking me up and down. “She’s lucky to be alive.”

I don’t appreciate him saying these things in front of my pup, but I also don’t understand why he’s dragging things out this way. I know how angry he is, it doesn’t make any sense that he brought me back up here without first dealing with the matter at hand.

I know he’s not going to fight with me in front of Lila, so why did he bring me back up here? Why is he dragging this out? Just what is he planning on doing with me?


I’m working very hard to stay calm. I’d like to say I brought Selene back to the apartment so quickly out of concern for my pup, but the truth is I needed time to cool down. I knew that seeing Lila would help me reign in my temper, even if my mate is the one



#Chapter 108 You Promised!

responsible for her current upset.

Comforting my daughter put my wolf in a caring mindset, rather than a furious one. It’s a good thing too: if I’d attempted to talk to my mate about her little pool adventure before, I would have completely lost control, and that wouldn’t be good for anyone.

“You can’t leave like dat, Daddy.” Lila scolds me, her little face twisted up into an adorable glower. “If Mommy in twubble, I wanna come.”

*If Mommy is in trouble, the last place I want you to be is anywhere near her.” I answer sternly, squeezing the grumpy bundle in my arms. “It’s very important for you to be a good girl and do what you’re told in those moments. In fact the times when it feels hardest to obey Mommy and Daddy are the ones when it’s most important you do so.”

Lila doesn’t look convinced, so I continue, “I don’t like leaving you anymore than you like being left, but I promise I will always come back.”


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