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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 123

#Chapter 123 – Favors


“What’s going on, Bastien.” I inquire urgently, eyeing Sophie where she huddles in the shower. Lowering the phone for a moment, I lean over and press a kiss to her cheek, “We’ll finish this later.” I promise, hoping she knows I’m not cutting our conversation short because of any lingering feelings for Selene.

Sophie nods, looking far too serious and gnawing her plump lip.

“I love you.” I remind her, relaxing slightly when a wide smile stretches across her lovely countenance, “And no more playing without me.” I order huskily.

Leaving my blushing mate, I stride out into my bedroom. “Go ahead.” I say into the phone.

The other man’s low voice sounds in my ear. “I’m on my way to the Calypso territory,” he explains, “I’ve left Selene and Lila behind, but things are far from resolved in Elysium.” “Then why are you going?” I challenge.

“I don’t have a choice.” He exhales heavily, sounding both ecstatic and overwhelmed with concern all at once. “Selene is with pup.”

Happiness for my friend washes over me, “Congratulations!” i tell him, truly meaning it.

“I can’t say I’m surprised the way you two were going at it, but I’m happy for you.”

“Thank you.” Bastien rumbles. “I don’t like leaving her at all, but especially not in this condition.”

“And especially not when you haven’t yet identified your enemies at home.” I reason aloud.

“Exactly.” He grumbles.

“What can I do to help?” I ask, amazed at how easy it can be to work together with my former adversary now that we’re both happily mated.

“I was wondering if you might be willing to visit Elysium while I’m away. Help keep an eye on things.” There’s a pregnant pause, and I can almost hear the grim gears turning in Bastien’s mind, “And if anything happens to me…”

“Is it that serious?” I press, the horrible image of Selene and Lila mourning the Alpha’s death forcing its way into my unwilling mind.

“I’m afraid it is.” Bastien admits.

“Of course I’ll visit.” I offer immediately, “And of course, I’ll take care of them if the worst happens, you needn’t even ask.”

“Thank you, Drake.” The relief in his voice is evident. “They should be okay for a couple of weeks. And don’t get me wrong, I trust my Betas’. I just can’t stand the idea of leaving them this way. Having another Alpha around who loves them will set my mind at ease.”

“I understand completely.” I confess. If I were in his shoes and Sophie was alone, pregnant and vulnerable, i’d be going out of my mind. I’m actually incredibly impressed he has the strength to take his eyes off of them at all, given all the threats they face. Only the most powerful of Alpha’s could deny their instincts this way, even if it is the best thing he can do for his family,

“And please, don’t tell Selene I’ve asked this of you.” Bastien continues, “she’s upset enough as it is.”

“You have my word.” I agree, “Sophie and I will make the trip at the end of next week. We’ll keep them safe for you. “Thank you, my friend.” Bastien replies sincerely. “I owe you one.”

After I hang up, I turn to find Sophie approaching, her dripping body wrapped in a fluffy towel. She has a wary expression on her pretty face, and I have a bad feeling she overheard at least part of my call. “What’s going on?” She asks quietly.

“How would you like to visit Elysium in a few weeks?” I counter, not truly answering her question.

My mate stiffens, Why?

“Bastien has gone to confront Blaise Denizen, but there are still threats in the Nova pack.” I explain. Reading her persisting unease, I add. “I agreed only as a favor to him. He well, he doesn’t want Selene to be alone if the worst happens.”

Sophie’s entire bearing changes, going from tense and suspicious to soft and supple in seconds. “Of course I’ll go.”

“Thank you, sweetheart.” Offering her a tender smile, I say, “You know I only have eyes for you, don’t you?”

Her lip twitches, and suddenly she’s seeming to find it very difficult to look me in the eye. “So you’ve said.”

“Oh-ho,” I grin, “Have I not proven it well enough, little lamb?”



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