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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 170

Chapter 170 – Not so happy… #Chapter 170 – Not so happy reunion


I was getting ready for bed when I felt it. The strangest sensation deep in my chest, like something was tethered to my ribcage and dragging me forward. I was helpless to resist it, following the pull even though it could have been leading me anywhere.

Arabella shouted after me that I couldn’t leave. We couldn’t afford for me to be seen, and even if no one connected us, there was a curfew. She tried to stop me, begging me to tell her what was going on and not to go, but I simply shook her off. I don’t know what came over me – it was like I was in a trance.

When I made it out onto the street I had enough of my senses intact to evade the sentries patrolling the block, but I didn’t care about anything else. All I knew was that I had to find the source of this eerie power. Axel urged me on at every turn, showing no fear or doubt whatsoever.

I knew very little of the city, but my early investigations told me I was headed towards the park. As I neared, a bewitching scent met my sharp nose – like honeysuckle and freshly fallen snow. It was the most incredible thing I’d ever smelled in my life, and as soon as it entered my head Axel began clawing at the surface of my skin, begging to be let out.

Go faster. He’d begged, We can’t let it get away.

Only it wasn’t fading into the distance, it was getting stronger with every step I took. Instinctively I understood that if I found the source of the scent, I’d also found the force that drew me from the apartment. Scanning my surroundings for more sentries, I broke into a jog, speeding up when I saw a flash of light in the distance.

The moon was so bright overhead that I saw her long before she saw me. The pearlescent sheen surrounded her, seemed to be extending from her body and reaching towards mine. I recognized her immediately, though she was a thousand times more beautiful than she’d been in my dreams or her photos.

It was Selene. She was the being who smelled so irresistible, and she was the one who’d managed to lure him from his hiding place. Axel was eagerly purring Mate, in my head, and I had to admit that the desire to rush forward and take her in my arms was so powerful it made me nearly shake with need.

I forced down those instincts, knowing they were only the effects of the mating bond. It seemed that – at least – had not been a lie. They truly were mates, there was no doubting it now. I made myself focus on the other truths l’ve learned in recent weeks: the deception, betrayals and crimes. I couldn’t allow myself to be distracted by my feelings or her beauty.

Still, it seemed hard to believe such a magnificent creature was capable of doing the things Arabella told me, she looked like an angel floating towards me. Although, that was probably how she’d tricked me so completely in the first place. Her act was so convincing that I’d been incapable of seeing past it.

But she doesn’t even know you‘re here. Axel mused, So who is she acting for now

She might not see me but she’s obviously searching for me, why else would she have cast this spell? I didn’t quite believe Arabella’s accusations that Selene was a witch until now, but I can’t think of another explanation for the light she’s following or my own trancelike foray into the night.

Maybe the Goddess is doing this, not her.

Start thinking with what’s between your ears instead of what’s between your legs. I admonish my wolf, earning a growl in reply. You’ve seen the news coverage. She’s not to be trusted.

I ducked into an alleyway, waiting for her to come near enough to ambush and finding it harder and harder to stay still the stronger her fragrance became.

Lashing out the moment she passed by the mouth of the alley, I snatched her up and pressed her up against the wall, lifting her small feet of the ground. Selene emitted a startled yelp that tugged at my heart strings, looking as though she was aching to fight but couldn’t figure out how. After a moment her eyes widened in surprise – only, they were the wrong color. Instead of the two-tone shade of blue and violet i’d seen in my dream, they were as dark brown as Arabella’s.

“What have you done to your eyes?” It was the very last thing I wanted, needed, or intended to say. Nonetheless, those were the words my useless mouth uttered.

Selene’s expression had gone from frightened to overjoyed, lighting up every bit as brightly as the moonlight she’d harnessed a moment before. Shocking me, she threw her arms around my neck and pressed her soft body close, “Bastien!” She cried in a voice like

rough silk, “thank the Goddess.”

I was so surprised I actually returned her embrace for a moment before realizing what I was doing. I was just about to harshly push her away when her slender arms tightened around me, “Please – I know you have to yell at me, but please just give me a moment.” She whimpered, “I’ve missed you so much, I didn’t realize how frightened I was until I actually saw you! I’m so glad you’re all right.”

If I hadn’t known any better, I would have believed her every word, “You can’t fool me with this sweeter than sugar act.” I rumbled. forcing her back. Still, I was more gentle than I would have been a moment before. The woman truly was dangerous. “What are you doing


She shook her head tearfully, still holding on to me though she was supposed to be my prisoner, “You have to come home Bastien.” This request was as confusing as the last, surely it was easier for her to make trouble when I wasn’t in Elysium watching her ever

Her lovely brow furrowed, “Haven’t you seen the news?


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