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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 174


Lila is sprawled on the sofa in our apartment in Asphodel, flipping through Drake’s photo album. There used to be a time when that album filled me with jealousy. Half of it was occupied with photos of Selene – when she was pregnant with Lila, the early days after the pup had been born. Now it fills me with longing. I want a pup of my own so badly, a dream I never even realized I had until Drake claimed me as his own.

I haven’t confessed this dream to my mate yet, but I know he wants the same thing. He’s been endlessly patient with me, taking every new stage of our relationship one step at a time. One day soon I hope to share this secret with him, but I’m still finding my feet in the new order of things.

As nervous as I was to be given the responsibility of caring for Selene and Bastien’s daughter while they’re away, I’ve come to adore Lila, and even catch myself practicing my own mater nal skills on her. I’m not sure if Drake knows this is the reason I ve been so eager to spend time with her, but he’s more than willing to indulge me either way

“What do you want to do today, Lila Bean?” | ask, coming to sit beside her.

“I wanna go shopping!” She informs me happily, kicking her pint-sized feet back and forth as she lies on her belly.

“Shopping?!” | exclaim, not the least bit opposed to this idea, “What kind of shopping?”

“For gwocries.” Lila answers promptly. “I wanna cook like ! do with Mommy.”

Of course, I think with resignation. She wants to do the one thing I’m truly terrible at. No matter what Drake says, I know I’m a horrible cook. Thankfully he hired a real chef for Selene’s cafe and re-appointed me as the business manager, otherwise the restaurant would have gone under months ago.

“Alright!” | agree, “But you don’t get to be mad at me when the food doesn’t taste like how your Mommy makes it.” I cau tion the toddler.

“Don’t worry.” Lila giggles, “I show you how.”

For most pups this would probably seem like an over-abun dance of confidence, but Lila knows exactly how well I can cook, and she’s right to think she can do a better job. Poking my head into Drake’s office, I tell him where we’re headed. “Lila and I are off to the store.”

| planned on ducking in and out, but to my surprise, Drake rises from his desk and comes to take my hands in his, “Oh? | was thinking about getting a sitter and taking you out tonight.”

“Really?” | flirt, fluttering my lashes, “because that would probably save us all from food poisoning.”


“Stop.” He scolds light-heartedly, “I believe in you even if you don’t, you can be a good cook with a little confidence.”

“I love that you believe in me.” | concede, “but I don’t care enough about cooking to put in the effort.” I confess, “if we ever have kids, we’re going to have to hire a chef.”

“Kids?” He repeats with a wide smile, “Is that something you want?”

“You know,” I begin in a teasing tone, “most couples dis cuss this sort of thing before tying themselves to each other permanently.”

“I know.” He laughs, “but I love you more than I love some imaginary future. I want whatever life you’re willing to build with me.”

Leaning into his warmth, 1 wrap my arms around his neck. “You can’t say things like that to me when there’s a pup in the next room, Drake.” I scold, feeling my heart pulse with affection.

“Oh?” He utters with a grin, “why’s that?”

“Because it makes me want to do a lot of very naughty things that would be very difficult to explain to her should she walk in.” | exclaim, turning my cheek when he tries to kiss me. Drake emits a low growl and catches my chin, turning my face back to his and claiming my lips despite my protests. When we part a few breathless moments later, I add. “We’re going gro cery shopping. You and I can finish this… discussion, later.”

“Okay.” Drake agrees, dropping his head to his mark and swiping his tongue over the pink scar, “But do me a favor, and get some whipped cream and chocolate syrup.”

Cocking my head to the side, I agree with mild confusion, “Okay, would you like something to go with that? Ice cream per haps?”

“Oh I already have everything I need.” He grins wolfishly, kissing my nose and giving my waist a squeeze. “Right here.”

Flames burst over my cheeks, “Oh.” | murmur softly, sud denly liking the idea of staying put much more than I did a mo ment ago. “You know, we don’t have to go.” I offer.

“Oh yes you do.” Drake informs me with a sultry stare. “I have very specific plans for you now, little lamb.”

Shivering happily, I do as he says, packing Lila into the car and whisking her off to the grocery store. In addition to the items my mate requested, we picked out chicken, strawberries and carrots for Lila’s dinner. It was an odd combination, but it was what she wanted and it wasn’t unhealthy, so I agreed.

My head spun slightly, but I reminded myself I was dealing with a toddler – logic wasn’t on the table. “Honey, we went shopping for these specific things, you helped make it and cut it all up, why don’t you want it?” | ask.

“It helps when it’s your tiny tyrant.” Drake acknowledges, rubbing my back, “But if it makes you feel better, she wouldn’t act out if she didn’t feel safe with you.”


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