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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 182

Chapter 182- Selene Decides


Thad a nightmare like this once: being helpless before Blaise while my family hangs in the balance. However even my worst dreams couldn’t have predicted this fate: being forced to choose between Bastien’s life and my own. Bastien is roaring and raging at me, ordering me to leave him behind, but I can’t bring myself to turn my back on him, Every time I see the knife go deeper into his back, Luna howls in agony and despair, freezing me in place.

I know Blaise’s offer is a trap, but I also know that there s no way I can undo what he’s already discovered. One way or another Blaise knows who I am now, he knows where I live and he knows about my unborn child. He doesn’t know about Lila, and the only person in Tartarus who might have betrayed her existence to him is dead now. If I run away now, he’ll simply follow me back to Elysium, and then there’

s no guaranteeing that I can keep my daughter safe.

“Bastien,” | sniffle, begging him to understand, “If I go now he’ll only come after me, he’ll follow me home.”

I can see my message click into place in his mind, but he only pauses for a moment. “Then don’t go home!” He hisses, “go to ground, go somewhere he’ll never find you. Don’t sacrifice yourself for me, I’m not worth it – think about the baby!”


“I am,” | cry, feeling more helpless than I can ever re member. Even if I went to ground, Blaise would find out about Lila, and I can’t stand the idea of running forever and losing Bastien too. “And you’re wrong, you are worth it. I’ll find a way out of this, but I can’t let him kill you.”

If I thought Bastien was angry with me when he learned I was alive and had hidden our child from him, I didn’t know the definition of the word. I’ve never seen rage like the emotion that pours out of my mate as I lower my hands and step towards Blaise. The sound of his fury fills the room like the blast from a cannon, and he actually manages to break free of the small army pinning him down.

Blaise’s spellcaster, just barely staggering to his feet, lashes out his power towards my mate, stopping him be fore he can collide with the tyrant in front of me. Bastien falls to the ground with a groan as the magic traps him in its hold, and I try to close the distance between us. Instead Blaise catches me around the wait, and I can only weep as I reach for my husband.

“It’ll be okay.” | tell Bastien as he loses consciousness. “I promise.”

“That’s it,” the madman praises me, his wide smile audi ble in his voice. “Hold onto that hope, my beauty.” Before I can stop him, he straightens me up and looks me over, studying my fair skin even as he makes it positively crawl. Already I can feel myself lighting up again, the moon’s light

Chapter 122- Suene DELIULS

surging through my veins out of instinct rather than skill. Blaises tsks, “We’ll have to do something about this magic of yours. You could really do some damage in the right cir cumstances.”

“You can count on it.” | vow, trying and failing to pull away from him.

“And to think.” He leers, looking me up and down like a piece of meat, “You’ve already proven yourself capable of satisfying the strongest of Alphas, it’s almost as if he’s been preparing you for me.”

“You’re dreaming,” | grit out through clenched fangs, “I will never willingly allow you to lay a finger on me.”

“And do you think I care if you are willing?” Blaise coun ters, “do you not think I will appreciate you all the more for your fight?”

Lv. 1


“I can see what you’re thinking.” The wretched man tells me smugly. “That there’s a chance your child won’t be the gift I’m hoping it to be.” I feel my eyes widen, and a skitter of worry works it’s way through my body. “But I’ve been studying your kind since I was a boy, since the very first time I ever heard about the bloodline. I could tell you se crets about your powers you never dreamed possible.”


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