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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 187

Chapter 187 – Plotting

3rd Person

“Bribing the guards?” Bastien suggested, sharing his fifth idea of the morning.

Grayson promptly shot him down. “Tried it.”

“Tunneling out?” Bastien proposed next, determined to find a solution.

“Tried it.” James vetoed.

“Picking the locks?” The Alpha offered hopefully.

“That was like the first thing any of us tried.” Grayson drawled.

“Faking an illness?” Bastien throw out, feeling more and more defeated with every rejected idea.

“Tried it.” James confirmed, feeling no small margin of sympathy for the man. He knew how he would have felt if Blaise had caught Corinne, and even without knowing Selene, he was desperate to help his daughter. He and his mate had sacrificed everything for her, and it had been hard enough to hear the story Bastien told him about her life, he couldn’t al low her to suffer further.

Just then a familiar voice floated out of the darkness to wards the, somewhere to the left of their cells. “Would you

gentlemen like some assistance?”

“Who’s there?” Grayson demanded sharply.

“Helene?” Bastien exclaimed, sitting up in excitement.

“Hello there Alpha.” She greeted him warmly, appearing suddenly in the triangle of space between the three cells.

“Alpha? Grayson repeated, “You never mentioned you were an Alpha.” Unfortunately for Grayson, he’d been in his weekly torture session when Bastien shared his and Selene’s story with her father.

Well in his defense I don’t know many Alpha’s who would want to admit they’d gotten themselves into this sort of pick le.” The’witch suggested, sparking his ire.

“And where were you when Blaise took us?” he growled. It hadn’t occurred to him at the time, but now that she wa in front of him he realized the only way she could have gotten away without also becoming prisoner, is if she left before the shit hit the fan.

“I ran then, so we could all fight another day.” She ex plained, her voice remorseful.

“If you’d fought with us then, we might have won.” He ar gued.

“No, you wouldn’t.” Helene informed him simply, “There’s a way out of this for you, but it wasn’t in that church.”

“Have you seen her, have you seen Selene?” Bastien pressed, positively aching for news of his mate.

Yes.” She answers, “She’s alright. Frightened and without her powers, but Blaise hasn’t harmed her – yet.”

Bastien breathed in a sign of relief, even as his heart con

stricted with her final word. “And Lila, do you know if she’s okay?”

“Your pup is fine. Safe and sound in Asphodel.” Helene as sured him.

“Okay.” Bastien felt at least some of the weight life from his chest. “Can you get us out of here?”

“Getting out of those cells isn’t the problem.” Helene ex plained grimly, “it’s getting out of the dungeon itself. You’re 20 stories deep here, and every one of those is nothing but locked doors and guards armed to the teeth.”

“So what do you do?” Bastien snarled, all of his frustration pouring out of him at once.

“Which one of you is Grayson?” Helene inquired, surpris ing them all.

“How do you know me?” The gruff rebel answered.

“You didn’t think the revolution died with you, did you?” The old witch posed.

“Who is this woman?” Grayson exclaimed, beyond baffled now and losing his patience.

“She’s a witch.” Bastien murmured, “A very clever witch.”

“I have a message from your old partner.” She announced.

“Matthew?” Grayson sounded more excited than Bastien had ever heard him. It was nearly impossible to get the man to talk about himself, which was understandable given the cir cumstances, but Bastien couldn’t help being curious. After all, they were stuck in a cell together with nowhere to go – talk

We don’t have time to wait for a full force insurgence.” Bastien objects.

“And you have more time than you think.” Helene added. “I’m working to help restore Selene’s power so she can keep Blaise at bay.

“That’s not true, but I can’t force you.” Bastien grumbled, “And there’s one more thing.”

Wrong little mother.” Helene corrected her with a wide smile. “I met him too.”

“There’s a rebel force at work in this city, Selene.” Helene explained. “Little does Blaise know, but his silversmith is a member. There are a few aristocrats on their side, but they can’t effectively resist Blaise if they’re under his thumb, so the smith started making replica cuffs for the noble members. They look exactly like the real thing – but they’re made of an aluminum alloy instead of real silver, so they won’t affect your magic.”

As Helene closed the fake cuffs around Selene’s wrists, she stared down at them in wonder. She could already feel the difference. They looked exactly the same, but her magic was pumping through her blood without restraint, so strong


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