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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 194

Chapter 194-0 DIT


“Why are we still in lockdown?” | demand, glaring at Blaise. “I thought you said the danger had passed.”

“It has passed, my beauty, I’m merely being cautious.” He insists, reaching up to drag his knuckles over my cheek. “It’s an annoyance to be sure, but one we’ll get through.”

“This is what happens when you abuse your people.” | grumble, “if you don’t want to be annoyed maybe you should respect their rights.”

“Rights.” He scoffs, “more like a city full of spoiled children clamoring for attention and making unreasonable demands.”

“I want to go back to my rooms.” I announce, overflowing with disgust for the horrible man.

“You can’t do that yet.” He informs me brusquely.

“Why, what’s going to happen?” I ask:

“You know I normally don’t mind your sass, but I don’t have the patience for it today.” He gripes, turning away from me.

“Wait!” | exclaim, clasping onto his arm as a rush of inspi ration strikes me. Were in his safe room surrounded by guards, but a man as paranoid as Blaise made sure his emer gency refuge was large and comfortable, so our audience is safely out of hearing distance. Forcibly settling my blazing temper, I adopt the meditative calm I’ve learned to embody to capture the Alpha’s mind, and stare deep into his eyes.

“Please, tell me what’s going on?” | beg sweetly, pulling at his tongue with hypnotic force.

His tense muscles relax, and he speaks in a dull droning voice. “There was a prison break.” He utters emotionlessly. “The rebels freed everyone from my dungeons.”

It takes all my willpower to stay in my calm trance, be cause my heart is immediately trying to leap out of my chest. “Do you still have Bastien?” | whisper anxiously.

“No.” Blaise announces in the same stoic tone, “that’s why we’re here. He’ll be coming for you.”

My mind is racing a hundred miles a minute. I can’t be lieve it, I went back with Blaise when Bastien was already free. If I’d fought him in the park like I wanted to, this could all have been over by now. “Won’t you please let me go back to my rooms.” I plea, stroking his arm, “the babies are making me tired and I need a nap.”

“Go back to your rooms,” he repeats dully, “I’ll tell the guards.”

“Thank you,” I breathe, fully intending to run right out the front door rather than going back to my suite.

“Let her go.” Blaise orders the man blocking the door. “Take her back to her rooms.”

“But Alpha, you said -”

“Are you questioning me?” Blaise roars, not needing any encouragement from me to lose his temper. I don’t doubt un der other circumstances that the guard would never have dared to push back against the Alpha, but Blaise had been so

adamant about me staying on lock down that the man must have forgotten himself.

The door swings open immediately, and the guard escorts me from the secure safe room. He’s silent as we retreat down the hallway, and I hold onto Blaise’s mind as long as I can; but I haven’t learned to use this particular power at a distance yet. It works beautifully as long as I’m looking into his eyes, but unless I alter his memory it wears off rather quickly once we part. In hindsight I should have made him believe that the danger was passed, but my trick was so spontaneous that | didn’t think of it in the moment.

The guard and I have reached the floor below the safe room when Blaise’s sentries come racing after us, charging down the stairs with fangs bared and claws extended as I make my escape. I can hear Blaise’s bellowing voice above, and my heart plummets into my stomach as I realize my shortsightedness might have just cost me my powers. “Se lene!” He thunders, drawing closer with every second that passes.

He appears at the top of the stairs above me, breathing heavily. “What have you donel” He demands, eying my silver cuffs with suspicion. “Grab her!”

Feeling that I have nothing left to lose, I send out an ener gy burst towards the guard who’d been escorting me, knock ing him to the ground before he can ever lay a hand on me,

“Clever beauty.” Blaise smirks, eyeing me hungrily, ‘what else have you been up to while I thought your hands were tied?”

The sentries are closing in on me, and I’m preparing to

lash out my powers again when a new chorus of alarms burst out, blaring throughout the palace’s airy hallways. Blaise curs es, gesturing aggressively towards his men, “Enough games, take her now!”

I’m having a hard time keeping track of all the guards, re alizing with horror that a number have circled around behind me while I was distracted. I send out more energy pulses, but there are too many of them, and I can’t call the shadows with out also blinding myself to my exit routes. Just then a familiar voice sounds at my back. “Selene!”

Whirling around, I gape as my wide eyes land on Frederic. “What are you doing here?” | cry, edging toward him as Blaise draws nearer.

“I came to save you.”. He explains in a tone saying this should be obvious.

Blaise glowers, “And just who are you?”

“Selene,”Frederic grits out, “you need to run.”

His wolf is right at the surface, his eyes glowing and mus cles rippling. “What about you?” I ask anxiously, watching the way his jaw ticks with tension.

Suddenly I realize what he intends. There’s no way Freder ic can take on Blaise alone, let along Blaise and two dozen guards. “Frederic, he’ll kill you.” | insist.

“But -” | object, not knowing why I feel so distraught by the idea of losing someone who tried to destroy everything! care about


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