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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 80

Selena’s Pov

Shock, fury and betrayal war for dominance in Bastien’s imposing features. He’s looking at me the same way he did when he first discovered I was alive, as if he’s realizing he doesn’t recognize me at all. Tears have been rolling down my cheeks since I woke, but a fresh surge rushes forth as I wilt beneath his scrutiny.

“Bastien, they need it now.” Drake interjects.

As if in a trance, Bastien shoves out his arm toward the lab tech, “Take it.” He orders coldly.

The poor tech is shaking as he tries to draw the enraged Alpha’s blood, and he’s not alone. Every lesser wolf in the room is positively quailing in the face of the apoplectic energy Bastien is putting off, myself in cluded.

When the young man completes his duties, he practically sprints out of the bay, heading off for the lab. No one says a word. We’re all waiting with bated breath to see how Bastien will respond, even the doctor.

When Bastien finally finds his voice, he says just about the last thing I expected. “Put on the gown.” He commands, nodding toward the ugly garment at the end of my bed. “You’re being admitted.”

I blink, my limbs frozen in place. What?

This isn’t good. Luna whines, her tail between her legs, His wolf is really mad, I can’t bear it.

It’ll be okay. I think back, trying to convince myself as well as her.

I don’t know where I find the courage to protest, but I do. “I need to be with Lila.“

Bastien’s eyes flash dangerously, and he finally acknowledges the other people in the room. “Leave us.” He orders, scanning the small group.

One by one they file out, abandoning me. Everyone but Drake. The Eros Alpha stands stubbornly inside the curtain, not looking at my mate. Instead he watches me carefully, waiting to follow my cue. I really don’t want to be left alone with Bastien, but I know that Drake staying will only result in a fight between the men. Drake will lose and I’ll still end up alone with Bastien, only he’ll be in an even worse mood.

“It’s okay.” I promise Drake. He nods and slips out of the bay, ignoring Bastien’s low growl of disap proval.

Bastien prowls to my bedside, towering over me while I sit defenseless on the gurney. “You’ve been through something very traumatic today. You’re disoriented, weak and dehydrated. You need to be admit ted.”

He may be right, but I don’t care. My pup comes first. “But-”

Arguing was a mistake. Bastien growls so savagely I flinch away from him, cowering against the pil low. “My decision is final, Selene.” He thunders, his deep voice never rising in volume, but carrying the force of a brutal storm.

The huge wolf reaches toward me, ignoring my fright and yanking my dress off over my head. He snatches up the hospital gown and removes my bra, bundling me into the scratchy garment while I sit there too shocked to move.

Afterwards I eye him warily, painfully aware that his anger has absolutely nothing to do with my resis tance to staying in the hospital, and everything to do with my lie.

“Bastien,” I murmur meekly, “I’m sorry. You have every right to be angry with me, but deflecting it this way won’t help anything.”


“It isn’t fair for you to punish me by making me stay here for treatment.” | insist. “Lila is more ill t she’s ever been before, I can’t be apart from her until I know she’s going to be okay.”

Bastien steps back, rubbing his jaw and eyeing me like I’m a bug he’d like to smush under his bc “You’ve got a lot of fucking nerve, you know that?”

Bastien’s POV


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