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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 91

#Chapter 91 Coming Home

Selene’s pov

Leaving Asphodel is harder than I imagined. I’ve been homesick for Elysium ever since I left, but I have so many fond memories here. This is where Lila took her first steps and said her first words, this is where her young life began,

Bastien seems to sense my sadness, he’s been hovering over me all morning in the agitated way men do when they’re faced with a problem they don’t know how to solve. I think he feels guilty for putting his foot down about the move, but not guilty enough to delay it. I suppose prolonging the ordeal would only make things worse anyway.

Lila is actually taking this better than anyone, though I don’t know how long that’s going to last. She’s been running around the docks while the men pack the boat, saying goodbye to all the fish and manatees, hugging her favorite buildings and even attempting to crawl into the mangroves to kiss them farewell. I almost fell into the canal pulling her back, which would have been the perfect end to a very stressful week.

Though it was probably foolish of me to live in a city like this without learning to swim, I’ve never been able to get over my fear of drowning. Not since I fell into the pool the night Drake and I met. With much cajoling and even a few tears, the Eros Alpha convinced me to let him teach Lila, but I was never able to get back in the water myself.

At least that will be one less thing to worry about in Elysium. I can trade my concerns about dying in a watery grave for ones about Blaise Denizen and faceless enemies lurking in the shadows. How lucky am I?

Bastien loops his big arm around my shoulders when all of my belongings are finally stowed in the hull of our chartered ferry, “It’s time, baby.”

Clamping my eyes shut to try and ward off the inevitable tears, I nod. “Come on Lila bean,” I say, bundling her into my arms, and taking comfort in her pure scent. “It’s time for a new adventure.”

I can only pray it’s less eventful than our last one.

Bastien’s pov

I feel like an absolute ogre.

Selene’s obvious sorrow as we float away from Asphodel makes me want to rake myself over hot coals. I hate knowing I’m the one who put that pained expression on her face, and even worse is knowing there’s not a damned thing I can do to fix it.

The city is growing smaller and smaller across the lagoon, and even Lila’s exuberant mood seems to have become subdued. I imagine it feels very different to talk about leaving, than it does to actually watch the only home you’ve ever known fade into the distance, especially at such a young age. Axel whines as Lila’s lower lip begins to quiver, “Mommy, we come back?” She asks shakily.

“One day.” Selene promises, trying to sound composed. Tucking her more securely under my arm, I give shoulders a reassuring squeeze.

“Next week?” Lila asks hopefully.

“No angel,” I can hear the strain in my mate’s voice,”it’s going to be a while before we can visit, but you’re going to love Elysium.” She says, redirecting the pup’s train of thought. There are forests as far as the eye can see, plus whole mountains to explore and a beautiful lake. I’m going to take you to all my favorite places.”

“And we live with Daddy?” Lila chirps, successfully distracted.

“Yes.” I answer for Selene, leaning down to kiss my daughter’s nose. “We’re all going to live together and be very happy.” Internally I’m keeping my fingers crossed, desperately hoping that this is a promise I’ll be able to keep.

I don’t know how the pack is going to respond to Selene’s return, in fact I have a bad feeling more than one person will have something to say about her hiding Lila’s existence from the pack. Nonetheless I’m determined to make things better for her this time. I won’t stand for anyone making her life difficult. I’m still haunted by her words in the hospital: those hopeless questions about why she’s experienced so much hardship, her fear that Lila’s path will be as difficult as hers.



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