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Pregnant With Twins: My CEO’s Tricky Love novel Chapter 110

Alfred did have Robert's number, their companies had business projects together... Even if they were unfamiliar with each other, they still had each other's contacts.

Alfred thought that Robert called him to talk about some business, but he unexpectedly heard Georgia's voice from that call, she even knew that he brought Annie away.

Alfred's face turned cold as he asked, “Georgia, why are you using Robert's cell phone to call me? Also, Vanessa and I are legal husband and wife... The daughter that Vanessa adopted is my daughter too, don't tell me that I can't bring Annie away? Am I not Annie's stepfather?”

Georgia was furious because of Alfred's words.

“How could you care about Annie at all? Give her back to me!”

Georgia was so angry that she shouted.

She hated him so much when she remembered that Vanessa was still in the hospital at that time.

Alfred sneered, “You're taking Robert's cell phone to call me, you think that with Robert as your backer, you can order me around now? I tell you what, I'm Annie's legal guardian, vie with me if you can.”

Georgia was so angry that she almost cried out because of those words, she had set the hand phone on hands-free mode and so Robert could clearly hear that conversation by her side.

He finally spoke to Alfred.

“Alfred, I'm Robert, give Georgia her daughter back.”

After Robert said that, Alfred immediately sneered.

“What, that woman infatuated you? Don't you ever forget... She's just like her best friend, who loves to deceive and toy with men, you forgot that Georgia created a fake paternity test and made you raise other men's daughter? Now why did you bring Georgia to your side? Don't tell me that you haven't got betrayed enough?”

“This is not a problem that you should be concerned about, I’m warning you for the last time, bring Georgia's daughter to my address on your own... Otherwise, I don't mind calling the Chow family in G City and let the Chow family elders know what you've been doing in D City.”

“Also, our families collaboration is your important achievement, I don't mind ending our families' business collaboration immediately. I bet you clearly know whether Mr. Chow will mind about it or not.”

On the other side of the call, Alfred's expression turned cold in an instant.

“You're doing it to such extent for a woman, Robert, are you crazy? That's a multi-billion business.”

Robert coldly warned him.

“I can earn back what I'll lose, but you haven't even have a stable position in the Chow family, and the other collateral relatives of the Chow family are eyeing on you covetously. I think I don't need to remind you about this.”

Alfred's expression became very gloomy, he suddenly punched the table fiercely.

In an instant, Alfred's fingers were full of wounds, his blood even stained the white table, it's very bright red.

Rachel who stood by his side instantly became worried.

“Alfred... You even hurt your hands, why are you so impulsive?”

Alfred just coldly looked at Rachel, his face looked hideous and twisted.

Scenes of what happened during the day revolved around his mind, in the end, everything turned into hatred towards Vanessa.

He brought Annie over, that's because he wanted to see Vanessa's suffering expression.

Vanessa hadn't even woke up, Robert already called him and forced him to send Annie away.

No matter how Alfred thought about it, he wouldn't agree to such thing.

But Robert kept on warning and threatening him from the other end of the call.

“I'm giving you an hour, if you don't send Annie back to my villa, I'll call the Chow family of the G city immediately! After that, I'll inform the group's department of commerce to end the collaboration with your company.”

After saying that, Robert just hung up.

Alfred punched the wall again, both of his hands were full of blood in an instant.

“Will he really send Annie over?”

Seeing how Robert hung up without any hesitation, Georgia asked in anxiousness.

She really didn't understand why Alfred would suddenly be like that.

When she had said the truth during day time, Alfred seemed quite hesitant, did something else happen in between?

Georgia didn't understand, she just cared about one thing at that time.

That was, whether Alfred could send Annie back to her side in an hour.

“He will, Alfred will definitely bring Annie over, don't worry.”

Georgia just felt that Robert's tone of speaking was very resolute, which calmed down her terrified heart.

“You've known Alfred, you also know that he  just returned to the Chow family these few years, then he became the Chow family's successor... So, his position is not stable yet, the Chow family still have many illegitimate children, the other collateral relatives of the Chow family are all struggling for power. Alfred's mother has supported him to his current position, he and his mother would be doomed if he took the wrong step, so you don't need to worry.”

Perhaps Robert's aura was too calm, perhaps his tone of speaking was too confident, Georgia calmed down and waited patiently.

After about more than an hour, there's a car that stopped in front of the villa.

Georgia immediately stood up, feeling happy and surprised.

“He's here.”

Robert said that to Georgia, he then accompanied her to walk out of the villa.

Georgia and Robert walked out, the door of the car which was parked outside got opened and Alfred walked out of it.

On the next second, he opened the car's back door and carried a child out of it.

Seeing the lively Annie, Georgia directly dashed through and hugged Annie tightly.

“Annie... My baby... You're finally back... ”

Georgia said that in excitement as tears in her eyes uncontrollably flowed down.

Robert looked at that pair of mother and daughter from a close distance... Seeing Georgia's tears of joy, he felt that he had done something great that night.

Alfred coldly walked up to Robert instead.

“You can end our collaboration just because of a woman, you really think that the Simpson family can run everything on their own? Also, let me remind you one thing, that woman has a ton of bad records, she has endless ways to deceive people... Even a shrewd person like you will be toyed too, one day when you're so fucking angry because of her, don't blame me for not reminding you.”


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