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Pregnant With Twins: My CEO’s Tricky Love novel Chapter 136

After Georgia phoned, there still wasn’t anyone picking up the phone, this made her worried.

She then phoned Vanessa a few times, but still no response.

Just then seeing a person that looked just like Vanessa, made Georgia immediately called a cab to Vanessa’s apartment to find out herself.

The apartment was quite some distance from the airport. When she finally reached Vanessa’s place, it’s already had passed an hour and a half. She impatiently knocked on the door of the apartment unit, yet no one opened the door.

Before that, Vanessa said that she and Annie would be staying at the apartment. How could there be no one?

It was already past 12 o’clock midnight, Georgia kept knocking on the door. She was feeling very impatient and worried that something might have happened to Vanessa and Annie.

Inside the apartment’s bedroom, Annie who was asleep was finally awoken by the sound of the door knocking.

She climbed down her bed and opened her bedroom door. She then slowly approached the apartment’s door.

And inside the bedroom where Alfred and Vanessa was, she was getting tortured by Alfred. When she heard knocking, she wanted to push Alfred away. But Alfred mocked her coldly.

“It’s in the middle of the night and someone is looking for you. Vanessa, could it be that you’re having an affair with someone else?”

Alfred’s voice was filled with mockery, his face was grim and terrifying.

“Mummy! Where are you?”

Annie’s voice was heard which made Vanessa even more worried. She repeatedly tried to shove Alfred away.

“Annie’s awake, I want to go and check on Annie. Please let me go.”

But Alfred wasn’t letting her go, he instead humiliated her.

“If you continue like this, I will open the door and let Annie look at how lowly you are!”

Vanessa’s face became pale, she immediately started to cry and beg.

“Annie is only 5 years old. She’s all alone and must be afraid. If the person that is knocking is a mugger, and something happens to Annie, what do we do? Let go of me now!”

Alfred felt bummed out that he helplessly released Vanessa.

“Go out and get it done. Or else, I will go out with you. Do you want Annie to know that who you are sleeping with?”

Vanessa quickly wore her clothes; she opened the door and immediately closed the door behind her.

Annie saw it was Vanessa, her anxious face was instantly calmed.

“Mummy, I thought you’re gone. Someone is out there knocking…”

Annie held Vanessa’s hand as Vanessa quickly bent down and place her inside her arms.

“Don’t worry Annie, I’m always here. I will go and check through the peephole.”

After she said this, she brought Annie to the door.

Before she could look through the peephole, Georgia’s voice was heard from the other side.

“Vanessa, Annie, are you guys home?”

Georgia was already screaming. Annie instantly replied excitedly.

“Mummy! We are here!”

Vanessa’s body trembled. The feeling of fear ran through her entire body. Annie had already opened the door joyfully.

Georgia immediately stepped in, she turned to Vanessa and smiled. And then she crouched down and hugged Annie into her arms.

“My baby, how was everything for the past few days? Was it fun?”

“Mummy, I am waiting for you to come back. You’ve been away for the last few days and I’ve missed you so much.”

The mother and daughter’s dialogue were heart-warming. But Vanessa was trembling, as she wasn’t expecting Georgia to visit at this hour of the day.

Usually, Vanessa would be happy to see her. But Alfred was inside her bedroom, Vanessa was afraid that Georgia would find out that Alfred was here

Georgia’s short-tempered, she was worried that Alfred’s insanity would hurt Georgia because Georgia’s pregnant after all. Vanessa asked Georgia in a panic.

“Was the flight long? Are you hungry? I’ll make you dinner, so you can take a shower and then go to bed and rest.”

Vanessa wanted to muddle through, she wanted Georgia and Annie to hit the sack so that Georgia could not discover Alfred’s presence.

Georgia didn’t notice that something was wrong with Vanessa. She smiled gratefully at her.

“I’m really hungry, just make me a egg fried rice. I’m going to take a shower now.”

After saying that, Georgia coaxed at Annie.

“It’s very late. Was Mummy disturbing your sleep? Annie, why don’t you go to bed first?”

Annie hurriedly shook her head.

“No, mummy has taken so long to get back. I want to stay with Mummy, and we will sleep together.”

Georgia nodded as she gave another kiss on the cheek of Annie before carrying her luggage and placing it inside.

“Then I’ll go and take a bath first. Annie, you stay with mummy Vanessa.”

After saying this, Georgia was heading towards the bathroom inside the bedroom. She intended to take a bath before having a meal.

After a few hours of flying, she was literally dying from hunger.

Because the food on the plane was not good. After all, she had been literally starving for the past few hours.

But, when Georgia had just walked inside the corridor when she noticed that the bedroom door next to her had been opened, and Georgia was shocked.

And when the person inside the bedroom walked out, Georgia’s expression sank even more.

“How come you are here?”

Alfred laughed coldly.

“This is Vanessa’s apartment. I live inside Vanessa’s flat. I’m her husband, what’s wrong with that?”

Georgia was filled with resentment towards Alfred. She always remembered what this man had done in the past, taking away her daughter.

Had Vanessa been tortured by this man all this time?

Georgia subconsciously looked in Vanessa’s direction. Vanessa’s face was pale, and her body was trembling.

Annie even ran to Georgia’s side.

“You’re the bad guy! Why are you here?”

Annie asked angrily, pointing her finger at Alfred.

Alfred expression instantly sank deep, his eyes filled with a fierce aura. And he looked extremely serious.

“Say that again, who the hell is the bad guy here?”

Alfred asked coldly.


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