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Pregnant With Twins: My CEO’s Tricky Love novel Chapter 141

Georgia quickly turned her head, she found that the nurse was holding a needle and was about to give Travis an injection.

Travis was already yelling and making noise.

"Mr. Armstrong, your body is not completely healed yet. This is an anti inflammatory medicine. It won't hurt. Please believe me."

The nurse gently consoled, but Travis just screamed in horror.

"I hate you, I don't want you to give me injections, get out now!"

Georgia persuaded him on the side.

"Travis, it's just an injection, it will be very quick, I am by your side, don't be afraid..."

But Georgia's comforting words didn't work this time, and Travis complained to Georgia.

"Georgia, this woman hates me, I can see that she is going to hurt me!"

Georgia had never seen Travis look so impulsive and irritable.

She asked suspiciously the nurse with the mask.

"Miss, have you given Travis a shot before?"

Otherwise, why would Travis dislike this nurse so much? It was not Travis's character.

Even if he was stupid, Travis rarely made such a big noise.

"Madam, I'm just the nurse on duty today. Should I ask another nurse?"

Georgia nodded.

Since Travis didn't like the nurse, maybe another nurse would be better.

After the nurse left, Travis spoke to Georgia in a panic.

"Georgia, I don't want that shot. It smells so strange. I hate it."

Wasn't it the smell of medicine in all hospitals? Georgia couldn't smell anything special, she was puzzled.

"Why do you hate this smell? Travis, I don't smell any special scent. Can't we just change a nurse?"

Travis nodded aggrieved.

"I seem to have smelled this before, and it seems that it was when someone forced injections into my body. I don't like that feeling. Georgia, I don't want injections. I don't like this smell..."

Georgia's face changed drastically in an instant, she walked outside, then asked the two guards.

"Since entering the hospital, does the nurse come over for injections every day?"

One of the guards shook his head.

"Only these few days, they said that the test result is not very good, and the anti inflammatory meds should continue."

Georgia still didn't know why Travis had a car accident and why he had been wandering for ten years.

Suddenly there was a feeling of anxiety in her heart, Georgia suddenly went back, and she took the medicine from the cart that the nurse had pushed.

Then, she immediately asked the two guards.

"I suspect that the nurse is a problem, can I transfer Travis? I'm afraid he will be in danger here."

Georgia always felt that Travis had special instincts, maybe he really felt it was dangerous.

Even if Travis misunderstood, Georgia decided to take Travis to another hospital.

"We can't decide this matter, Miss Lane."

The guards refused, so Georgia tried to call Selena.

After Selena listened, she smiled apologetically.

"Miss Lane, I may not be able to help you with this."

It seemed that Selena had no choice, so Georgia called Robert.

She told about Travis' situation and her own guesses.

"Robert, I think something is wrong. What happened to Travis still hasn't been found out yet. I want to take Travis to another hospital. Can you help me please."

Robert comforted Georgia.

"Since you feel suspicious, hand over the medicine bottle you got to my assistant, I will ask my assistant to go to a institution for testing. I will arrange the transfer immediately. Don't worry, I will call the director of the hospital now. "

After Robert arranged everything for Georgia, he called his secretary again.

"Didn't I tell you to investigate Travis' past?"

The secretary nodded on the phone.

"Mr. Simpson, haven't I already shown the investigation report to you at that time? Is something wrong with that report?"

"That’s not what I mean. I mainly asked you to check the contact between Travis and Georgia. Now you need to change the direction. He has been wandering around for ten years. Check carefully what happened to him in the past ten years. What is the reason for this? What happened that he turned dumb."

Georgia didn't know that Robert was already helping her to check Travis's past.

After she hung up Robert's call, her heart felt very complicated.

She seemed to rely more and more on Robert.

After these accidents, she seemed to habitually ask this man for help, and he would reassure her every time and help her solve all the problems. Was she really inseparable from him?

The nurse had not yet arrived, but the director of the hospital had already arrived at Georgia's.

"Miss Lane, I have arranged a professional to transfer Mr. Armstrong to another hospital. The hospital to be transferred is the best hospital nearby. The affiliate hospital of Imperial University, do you think it is okay?"

Georgia had no objection. The director respected her very much. Georgia understood that this was all brought about by Robert's status.


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