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Pregnant With Twins: My CEO’s Tricky Love novel Chapter 220

"Well, let's get a good rest and sleep now. Don't think about anything else, Vanessa, do you want to go abroad for a few days? Let's not stay here recently. Let's go abroad and relax. Anyway, my wedding day is coming in half a month. Although the wedding is very hasty, it is still a ceremony. Should we go out and have fun before the wedding?"

"What about Annie? Just leave her alone at home?"

Vanessa suddenly asked. She really wanted to leave D City, where was super depressed and made her couldn’t breathe. Vanessa wanted to say yes to Georgia's suggestion.

"Let's take Annie together with us as well, we take more bodyguards, and make sure there is no security issues."

Georgia felt that Annie’s problem could be solved easily.

"Then let's go travelling abroad, Elsie, have you not been abroad yet? Where do you want to go, you can choose our destination."

"I haven't been to an island yet. I’m fine with anywhere as long as it is an island, I have only heard of Hawaii. Can we go there?"

The island Elsie heard the most on TV was Hawaii, so she wanted to go there.


Vanessa had made the decision. She really wanted to leave this place. The only thing left to her at such place was endless pain and resentment.

She was depressed too much, and this place almost drove her crazy, she wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

The took quick action after the decision was made. And the next morning, Georgia came to Robert with Elsie and Vanessa to tell him about their decision.

Robert was a little surprised, but he immediately agreed.

"Can you give me some time that I can arrange the bodyguards, then you can buy flight tickets, okay?"

Georgia nodded.

Since she had to take Annie, Vanessa, and Elsie out, if she didn't bring enough bodyguards, Georgia would be worried about their security.

Robert arranged everything quickly.

He even called his father, Aidan Simpson, to ask his forces in the United States to protect Georgia and her friends. In addition to his own men, this could make him feel more relieved.

Georgia took her friends and departed from the airport. According to what she promised Robert, she would come back a few days before the wedding.

Robert sent Georgia to the airport personally, then he went back home.

After he got home, it was almost the time he had to meet Jayson Mathis.

Jayson came to his villa on time, and Robert let him come in directly.

Jayson was very tall, and he wore a gray suit, his hair was straightforward from upwards to the back of the head. He had a pair of slender eyes, and he looked indifferent.

After Robert came into the living room, Jayson showed a stiff smile at Robert.

"Mr. Simpson, we finally met each other."

Robert nodded. He stretched out his hand to ask Jayson to sit down. They sat down facing each other, and the servant began to serve the tea.

"Mr. Simpson, first of all, I have to apologize to you! Because of my rude action last time, it made your fiancée miscarry your baby. This was not what I wanted in my heart."

Jayson spoke first with a gentle smile, however Robert believed this guy must be good at playing tricks.

"If an apology is useful, why do we still need police in this world? You asked your men to inject nerve-damaging drugs into my fiancée's body. If you really want to deal with Travis Armstrong, then why do you drag my fiancée down to this? She had nothing to do with it."

Jayson smiled with a sense of apology.

"By the time, I found out that Travis loved Miss Lane deeply. I thought Miss Lane must have known the secret too. That’s why I did the wrong thing without thinking too much."

"You meant the secret that you killed your wife's brother? I knew this too."

Robert said it with a smile, and Jayson’s expression changed dramatically.

"Mr. Simpson really was really good at telling jokes. It must be Travis who told you that. There is no solid evidence for that. I can also make up a rumor, saying that Travis killed someone, and the judge is going to believe the evidence only."

Jayson smiled calmly after saying that.

"Mr. Mathis, let’s make it clear, what’s the purpose you come here today? It’s hard for me to forgive people who mess up with me. You have to show your genuineness, otherwise I don't think we can reconcile on this matter."

Jayson revealed a confident smile.

"Mr. Simpson, when I investigate you, I also checked Miss Lane’s background and her experience. I know that you always wanted to take revenge on the Lane family, but Owen Lane and Emma Lane have escaped, right? "

"Did you find them?"


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