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Pregnant With Twins: My CEO’s Tricky Love novel Chapter 237

Elsie screamed and Ivan, Jason and Jasper immediately got up to talk to her.

“It is just a misunderstanding! A misunderstanding! Robert, since we have already made sure who you are, why don’t you let Elsie go, this is really just a misunderstanding, she didn’t go against you on purpose!”

Robert let go of Elsie’s hand coldly.

“If you ever let me see you again, I will beat you up every time!”

After saying so, Robert took the hand of the woman that was standing next to him and left.

Elsie screamed out of pain.

“This couple, next time I am going to teach them a lesson!”

“You are too angry, Elsie, we need to find a doctor to attach your arm again!”

None of them knew what to do, so they could only take care of Elsie’s injury first.

Robert was really going too far, he actually ripped Elsie’s arm off, and when it was being reattached, Elsie was screaming again.

“Elsie, are you feeling a bit better?”

Ivan was caringly asking her, Elsie had a dark face, her expression was very ugly.

“Do you think I can take revenge next time?”

She actually wanted to teach him a lesson, but Robert was much more evil than her, and Elsie was a little afraid now, she felt that whatever he said, he was able to go through with it!

Next time she saw him, he would rip off both of her arms.

This man was not like that before, Elsie suddenly understood what Ivan talked about before, Robert totally changed when compared to the person he used to be.

“Elsie, don’t be impulsive.”

Jason suddenly said to her.

“After he got back yesterday, I and Jasper were talking in front of him, but he didn’t even bother about us as friends, it was worse than strangers, and then you actually smacked his face, don’t get near him in the future.”

Ivan sighed.

“My cousin must have gone through something, don’t annoy him these days, we need to talk about what to do next.”

The three men were frowning, Elsie was furious.

“Why are all of you so afraid of him, he is not the devil, I cannot just fight with him, I am a weak woman, but why are you three afraid of him? Did he not tell you what happened to him this whole year? And what does he forget about? And, does he even remember Georgia and his daughter? Or is he planning to run away with that woman?”

Elsie asked them, she didn’t understand how Robert could change to the way he was now?

Even at the time when they just got to know each other, he hadn’t treated strangers as coldly as he did now, or did his character change after he lost his memory?

And, he suddenly disappeared, and now he suddenly got back but lost his memory, who knew what happened in between this time?

“Elsie, he doesn’t even bother about us, he got back only to make sure if he really is Robert Simpson, that is what he told me yesterday.”

Jasper told her.

“And after making sure, what is he planning to do?”

Elsie asked him curiously.

“I really don’t know about that, even when it comes to that woman with him, I only wanted to ask her something, but Robert suddenly looked at me with eyes full of hate, as if I was trying to take that woman away from him, so I couldn’t keep asking anymore. We used to be such good friends, and now our relationship isn’t even comparable to that of strangers. I don’t know what to do.”

“What should we do now?”

Elsie was frowning, apparently Robert was not only ignoring her, he was even treating his best friends like that, and now that Robert’s mother’s condition hadn’t gotten better, it seemed that Robert wouldn’t get into contact with them in the future as well, this was giving them a headache.

“We gotta take one step at a time, now that he is back, it seems that he is not planning to leave here again, let’s see what he is planning to do next.”

They were talking, and Robert made his next move pretty quickly.

After he made sure who he was, he rushed back to the Shaos Group, nobody knew what he did, but his previous staff was still trusting him, and kept on doing their work.

Alex was kicked out of the Simpson family, it only took half a month of time for Robert to take over the whole company.

Even Ivan was pushed out by Robert, Robert didn’t even thank his cousin for keeping his company running, even though he didn’t kick Ivan out officially, but he did push him out of the management crew.

Because of this, Elsie was mocking Ivan for quite a few days, saying that he was so useless, that he was so easily pushed out by Robert, that he was willingly a slave.

If it wasn’t Ivan protecting Robert’s work, Robert couldn’t have kicked Alex out so easily after just coming back.

Ivan couldn’t only laugh about it bitterly, he didn’t know why his cousin was hating him so much, he wasn’t planning on taking over the company.

He was Dr. Ivan, it was easy for him to earn money by just performing some small surgery, the rich people were all depending on him, afraid that they might need him for a surgery some day.

Only his cousin, was now like a stranger to him.

In that half a month, Elsie and the others were able to get to know that women with Robert better.

It was said that she was by his side after he had his accident all along, nobody knew how they met, but she was with him the whole time, her name was Sierra, and now Robert had announced that she was his fiance.

But now, Robert even told his staff to prepare their wedding, he was going to marry Sierra.

When Elsie got to know the news, she was so furious that she almost passed out.


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