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Pregnant With Twins: My CEO’s Tricky Love novel Chapter 241

“Fine, I don’t understand people who have romantic love.” Elsie sighed.

She had no hopes in romance. The past experience she had made her only had one hope in life, which was to eat and sleep well.

Material life was the most important thing to her. As for romantic love, she had no hopes in it at all. She could not understand why those people around her cared so much about romantic relationship.

“I’ve promised Annie to let both of you meet after you’re awake, and I’ve told you what’s happened to my sister. Have you figured out how to face this issue when you talk to her later?” Elsie had told Georgia everything that happened to her sister.

As for how Georgia thought they should deal with Vanessa’s issue in the future, they still did not have a discussion about it.

Georgia was shocked regarding what happened to Vanessa too.

It was just that knowing Robert had lost his memory and he even had a new lover made the issue even more shocking.

That was why she did not discuss with Elsie regarding Vanessa’s issue just now.

“What else could we do? Just go with the flow. Like what you’ve said, what’s done have been done. I can’t possibly tell Vanessa what on earth she had experienced in the past and ruin her peaceful life now. My only hope is that Alfred Chow is good at telling lies so he could at least let Vanessa live peacefully and happily for the rest of her life.” Elsie nodded silently.

She took out her phone and video-called Annie. Of course, Annie had a phone.

Annie was now at Alfred’s villa in City G, watching a three months old baby boy.

The baby still could not roll over and his daily routine was eating and sleeping.

When he opened his eyes occasionally, he would show his curiosity towards the world and smiled for no reason. Annie’s everyday enjoyment was to play with him. Since she was Mommy Van’s daughter, she naturally felt close towards the kid.

She played with his little brother by his cradle as usual while shaking a rattle drum toy. Although Vanessa still had not regained her memory, Annie’s intimacy with her was not affected at all. Annie did not show any distancing towards her and both of them got along exceptionally well. The phone rang and noticing it was from her aunt, she immediately picked it up.

“Hi auntie,” Annie greeted Elsie and noticing Elsie now standing in a ward, which was her mother’s, she asked out of curiosity, “Auntie, where’s mommy? Please let me have a look at mommy.” Elsie smiled and she handed the phone straight to Georgia.

Annie was completely dumfounded that moment. “Mommy, you’re finally awake? Are you really awake? Am I dreaming now?”

Georgia spoke at the other end of the call, “Annie baby, I just got out of coma this morning. Elsie told me I’ve been in coma for a year. Annie’s been a good girl this whole year, you’ve listened to Aunt Elsie when mommy’s not around. Annie, you’re mommy’s proudest sweetheart!” The rim of Annie’s eyes went a little red when she heard her praise, yet she looked a little shy and embarrassed too.

“Mommy, you’re finally awake. I’ve spoken to you beside your bed everyday, hoping that you’ll be awake one day. I’ll go back to City D to visit you!” Annie was so excited that she could not wait to rush to the hospital and hug her mother tightly.

“Calm down, you can’t just come back to City D to visit me without informing others. Where’s your Mommy Van? Is she with you now?” Georgia wanted to see Vanessa too to see how she looked like now, and also to know how her mental state was.

Vanessa had listened to their conversation at the side and knowing Georgia had gone awake, she was shocked at first. She was then brimmed with surprise of joy.

It was indeed good news when her bestie had gone out of coma. Annie gave her the phone. “Mommy Van, mommy wants to talk to you.”

Vanessa took the phone over. She and Georgia looked at each other. Vanessa had a sense of familiarity when she saw the person in front of her.

Although she could not retrieve any memory, she felt affectionate as long as she saw Georgia’s face. “Gigi, I’m sorry that I’ve lost my memory. But I know you must be my best friend. As long as I see you, I’ll be happy.”

Georgia did not expect her to say that the moment she spoke.

She knew what she was thinking, it was most likely that because she had lost her memory, she felt guilty and had kept on thinking it was her fault to forget someone. Georgia quickly consoled her.

“Why do you have to be sorry? It’s all because of accident. Seeing you living healthily now, and I’ve gone out of coma, isn’t it good news for both of us? Please don’t feel bad. It’s good if you could regain your memory, but it’s totally fine if you couldn’t, just go with the flow. The most important thing is, both of us are now living.”

Vanessa smiled, and both of them began to gossip.

Georgia basically asked about her recent life and listened to her talking about some part of her life to see whether she did live happily.

Annie joined their conversation too in the end. She went to Vanessa’s arms and talked to Georgia on the phone.


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