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Pregnant With Twins: My CEO’s Tricky Love novel Chapter 248

Robert looked at this man who suddenly stood up, he had been back to the country for a while, and he could still remember that this man was Riley.

Because he was sitting with his back to them, Robert didn’t see Georgia and Elsie who had sat down yet, he only nodded coldly to Riley.

The Simpson family and the the Price family had business contact, so they would still greet each other when meeting.

After greeting, Robert grabbed the two with him and went towards the room that he had reserved before.

Only when Robert took Sierra and Wesley and passed.

He subconsciously saw Georgia who was sitting opposite to Riley, and Robert’s eyes immediately changed.

He didn’t say anything, only kept only without minding Georgia.

But for some unknown reason, Robert was suddenly curious, why would Georgia see Riley? What was their relationship?

He guessed many things in his heart, but he said nothing at all, in the end, he just grabbed Sierra and Wesley and went to their dining room to sit down.

Riley waited until Robert was gone, then he smiled to Georgia and said.

“Miss Lane, we should make a deal, if you can humiliate Robert once, then I will help you to find that bag.”

“What do you mean?”

Georgia’s face turned cold and she asked.

“Maybe you don’t understand the relationship between me and Robert, even though nothing happened these years, but he bullied me when we were children, I still remember that, I haven’t taken my revenge till today. Normally I am that kind of person who would make them pay back right away, but I still haven’t taken my revenge for when he bullied me back them, if you help me with that, then I can help you find your bag.”

Georgia thought that Riley was just playing her.

“Mr. Riley, if you help me, I will naturally thank you for that, why would you find so many excuses to trouble me, if you don’t wanna help me find my bag, then I will find another way, Elsie, let’s go.”

Georgia felt that she didn’t need to waste her time here with Riley, and she even saw Robert coming here with that woman, Georgia’s mood dropped.

She didn’t even want to discuss with Riley anymore, she just wanted to leave, but suddenly Riley laughed.

“Why don’t you give a call to Jasper or Jason, I know them as well, let me tell you, that apartment is in my name, if I don’t give the command, you will never get in there, and you will never find what you need. Every word I said is the truth, I am not trying to play with you.”

“If you are not playing me, why did you want to meet me here, you must have known that Robert will be here today, that is why you wanted to meet with me here and now, right, Mr. Riley?”

Georgia asked him in a cold voice, Riley fired back.

“That bag has nothing really important, I remember it has a very pretty crystal ball, I have it right now, Miss Lane, if you don’t wanna have that, you can leave now, and you will never have it, but you can also choose to call either Jason or Jasper, and ask them if what I said is true.”

The crystal ball was in his hands, Georgia lost her determination to leave.

This was too important, and Georgia was helpless in her heart, she took her phone and called Jasper.

“Is there any hate between Robert and Riley?”

Georgia asked him directly, and Jasper’s face expression changed on the other side of the line.

“Why would you ask about Riley? Did you meet with him? Don’t mind that guy, he has some mental issues.”

Georgia’s expression was pulled into a grimace, she also felt that Riley was not normal.

“Jasper, you only need to tell me if there is anything between Riley and Robert? I need to know the answer.”

Only this way she would know if what Riley told her just now was him playing with her, or really trying to make a deal with her.

Jasper tried to remember everything from their childhood till they grew up, then told Georgia.

“Riley used to play with us when we were little, at that time Robert, Jason and Ivan, we were really good friends, but that year when we were 10 years old, we had a girl in our class who was really cute, she was with Riley all day every day, he really liked that girl, but in the end we learned that this girl only got closer to Riley so she could tell Robert her love, after that, the two of them were in a fight. Ever since, Riley was trying to get Robert into a lot of trouble, his greatest wish was to take away all the woman Robert had, but Robert had a pure heart, except for Emma he only had you, so Riley never got the chance to take his revenge, and his character is the kind that he has to take the revenge, if one day he tries to get close to you, don’t believe him, he is just trying to take his revenge.”

“So you think that he is really so deep into this?”

Georgia was speechless, something that happened when they were 10, and he still held grudges?

Jasper nodded on the other side of the line.

“Of course I am telling you the truth, after we have all taken the company these years, Riley still likes to do stuff behind the back to ruin Robert’s business, he was never successful, so the hate only got more.”

“Okay, got it, Jasper, go ahead.”

Georgia ended the call, Riley was already smiling at her.

“Jasper told you right, the hate between Robert and me goes way back, if you can help me to get rid of that hate, then I can give you the crystal ball immediately, I am not even going to ask you why you need it.”

Last night Alfred called Riley, and afterwards he went to the apartment, to find all the bags in there.

He was troubling Georgia on purpose just now, nobody was living in that apartment, so it was easy for him to find that bag and to find the crystal ball.


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