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Pregnant With Twins: My CEO’s Tricky Love novel Chapter 325

Georgia's anxious look made Elsie more worried.

"Georgia, you can't see him."

Elsie sighed.

"Robert had a car accident. That car burned on the spot, and his body was burnt to ashes..."

Elsie couldn't continue. She was afraid that it would hurt Georgia's heart and make her more desperate.

"Do you mean that I can't see Robert for the last time?"

Georgia's lips trembled and tears fell down.

She didn't want to believe it. She didn't believe that Robert had really died.

She always felt that she was still dreaming.

"Georgia, it will be his funeral tomorrow. Go to say goodbye to him for the last time... No matter how sad you are, you still have Annie and your beloved career. You will come out of it sooner or later. We will be with you. Sister is also here, and everyone will be with you."

"He's fine. He said he wouldn't leave me."

Georgia suddenly looked at Elsie and said in a firm tone.

"You said there was no Robert's body, and you said Robert was burned. I don't believe it. He must still be alive."

Georgia's empty eyes suddenly turned bright. She wished she could go to find Wilson right away and ask him about Robert's car accident. However, Elsie felt that Georgia had mental problems because of the huge blow.

Elsie felt that Georgia didn't want to trust the truth anymore. Georgia seemed to be living in a fantasy.

"Georgia, have a good rest first. We should go to the funeral tomorrow."

Elsie sighed. She was afraid that the death of Robert would irritate Georgia once she mentioned it once more.

"I'm gonna find Wilson and Travis. I wanna make the matter clear. As you said, if Robert really died in the car accident, there must be a murderer behind it. I don't believe that Robert didn't know someone was against him. He also told me that he knew there was someone behind Sierra Moon. He said he would do something recently and asked me not to worry about him. I trust him..."

After saying that, Georgia stood up. Before Elsie could react, Georgia rushed to the door and opened it.

When she walked into the living room, Wilson and Travis were sitting on the sofa. The two of them looked serious. Seeing Georgia come over, Travis asked worriedly.

"Georgia, you have taken a long trip. You must be very tired. You'd better have a rest first. Let's talk about it later, okay?"

Georgia knew that Travis was worried about her health, but she couldn't wait any longer. She looked at Wilson.

"Tell me how much do you know about Robert's car accident? Are you suspecting anyone? Have you found any clue about the murderer behind the scene?"

Georgia asked nervously. She wished she could find out all the truth about the car accident right away.

Somehow, she firmly believed that Robert hadn't died yet. She always felt that the last time when they met, Robert had a hidden meaning in his words. She didn't want to believe that this man had left her like this.

"Georgia, we just suspect that Robert's car accident was a plan, but so far, we haven't found any clues. This car accident may also be an accident. Don't build too many hopes."

Georgia nodded while sobbing.

"Even so, I should catch any clues. You said that after the car accident, the car directly burned. There must be only burned corpses in the car. To identify the corpse, we must do DNA identification. From what you said, you have identified it, right?"

Travis nodded slightly. He didn't dare to look into Georgia's eyes. He didn't want to see Georgia being so sad for another man.

"There is no other evidence to prove that the person in the car accident is not Robert."

Wilson said.

"But the face of the dead body is not clear. What if someone faked the identification? I don't believe that Robert would be easily set up like this. He is so smart. He knew that someone has been against him secretly. I don't believe that he was not prepared."

Travis felt a little sad when he heard what Georgia said.

"Georgia, I know you can't accept the fact, but we have checked the surveillance video. Robert did drive that car away. We can't make sure if he got out of the car halfway, it was also hard to fake the identification after that. It would take a lot of effort. We have also checked it. There was little chance for him to do that."

Everyone thought that Georgia was just unwilling to accept the fact that Robert was dead, but Georgia was very clear that Robert was not such a person who could be easily set up.

Robert had only been injured a few times. It was also because Robert had to protect her.

In fact, when she was not a weakness for him, few people could hurt him.

"Wilson, do you also think that it is Robert's body? Can't it be someone else?"

"Miss Lane, of course it might happen, but it can't be verified. We can't check his body. Since Robert died in the accident, almost all the people in the Simpson family have been following Sierra Moon's orders. Robert's secretaries and assistants are now also listening to Sierra, so we can't interfere too much."

Wilson's words made Travis worried.

If Georgia couldn't accept Robert's death, Travis was really afraid that Georgia would deceive herself like this for the rest of her life.

"Robert's funeral will be held tomorrow. I don't believe that he would leave Annie and me like this. I will go to the funeral. I want to see what Sierra will do at Robert's funeral."


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