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Pregnant With Twins: My CEO’s Tricky Love novel Chapter 334

“Do you think Robert had planned this car accident for a show?”

Jasper asked with doubt, although he also hoped so.

However, he had sent someone to investigate the scene of the accident and all the details inside out.

So far, no clues or traces had been found.

Everyone knew that Georgia had a deep affection for Robert, and she might just refuse to believe that Robert had been killed in a car accident.

This kind of speculation could give people false hope, but the people sitting here were afraid. If the car accident was real, they were all worried that Georgia would not be able to accept the reality, then this was not a hope, but a delusion and Georgia might fall into even more uncontrollable despair.

“You don't have to worry about me, I know what you all are thinking about.”

Georgia looked at the worried expressions of everyone, and she spoke slowly.

“I'm just having a leap of faith, but if it turns out Robert was actually dead, I won't indulge in this fantasy, I will take care of Annie on my own, and then work harder to cheer up, but for now, isn't this all a possibility? After all? There was a fire at the scene of the car accident, and the face of the corpse was also destroyed, we don’t know yet before his DNA is verified. This kind of thing can be faked, and Robert also told me that he would do one thing to test the woman. The top priority is that we must find Ivan, And then keep tracking on Sierra's every move.”

“Actually, based on what I know about Ivan, it was rare to not able to contact him. You know that he performs operations on some powerful people all over the world. He has a very wide network of contacts. Most people don't want to offend him, and there are many people who would stand up and protect him. Nobody would risk their chances, especially when time comes to them requiring urgent surgeries from a skilled doctor like him. Could it be that Ivan and Robert disappeared together?”

Jason suddenly made a wild guess.

He was obviously more willing to believe Georgia's speculation, and he didn't believe that Robert really died in a car accident.

People like them might be kidnapped or hunted down at any time, so the security was very strict on weekdays, afraid of unexpected accidents.

Robert rarely encountered such things before, and he was very cautious in this regard.

Using fake death to perform an experiment to reveal someone’s true colours, that was not a bad idea anyway.

“If your guess is valid, when is he going to come back? Also, what is he going to do?”

Elsie asked next to her.

“Tomorrow, the members of Simpson’s family will definitely quarrel over the inheritance, won’t you be able to see the true colours of those people? Everyone in the company will stand up for their own teams. At that moment, we could easily know who is loyal, who has rebelled, who is indecisive, right away.”

Jasper commented, smiling with some irony in his tone.

The assets of the Simpson family were managed by Robert's father in the past few years. Of course, this was done on the basis of the assets earned by Robert's grandfather.

Since then, the Simpson family had always been the top giant.

However, Robert's father rebelliously left the Simpson family when he was young, but the Simpson family's business was still very stable in those years. It did not grow, yet it did not shrink.

After Robert inherited the Simpson family, the Simpson family has developed rapidly in recent years. It can be said that all the properties of the Simpson family had been doubled and expanded by his father and him.

The other partners of the Simpson family were not qualified to fight for inheritance at all.

That was to say, Robert had been kind towards these relatives of his family over the years, and had been giving them a share of dividends every year.

Very few of these people were genuinely grieving after Robert’s accident, most of them were trying their best to grab the lion’s share of Simpson's family.

“So you mean, Robert was faking his death just to see if those people are the back-stabber, but I think, what kind of people are they actually? It shouldn’t be too hard to find out, Georgia said, Robert has already started his plan. Perhaps, Sierra is the main target for Robert, to see her true colours?”

“It's very likely.”

Georgia answered Elsie's question.

“But, what if we all guessed it wrong?”

Elsie was willing to believe that Robert directed and acted in the car accident, this way everyone shouldn’t be suffering from the grief.

If Robert was still alive, Annie still had her father, Georgia will also be delighted. She might not like Robert that much, but she still hoped that this person was still alive, but these are just speculations.

In fact, the higher possibility was that Robert did really passed away in a car accident. Right now, everyone was just having a leap of faith.

“Tomorrow, other people in the Simpson family will come to fight for the inheritance. So far, the secretary of the Simpson family has not revealed that there is a will. I will not expose this marriage certificate tomorrow. First, I want to observe these people. Just let them be, and whether Robert would come back or not, I will help him to keep the legacy of the Simpson family.”

“Should we control the media? Now, these people have fabricated a lot of rumours. Once they start scrambling for the inheritance, the price of the shares will fluctuate greatly. If they can have the help of the media, this will be a never-ending nightmare.”

Wilson suddenly stated out his worry, and Georgia smiled and shook her head.

“The media is unavoidable, and those netizens will definitely notice the headline about the quarrel of the Simpson family and be there to watch the show. It would be their problem to stop the chaos, not ours. As for us, the marriage certificate is in my hand. There is nothing to be afraid of. No matter what, we still have to do our best to find Ivan. If he purposely avoided contact with us, this is of course the best result. I am afraid that someone wants to hurt Ivan.”

After Georgia finished speaking, everyone nodded.

So far, there were no new clues, only one step at a time.

Tomorrow is the big day, let's see how the Simpson family would fight for inheritance.

After a few people had spoken for so long, it was already afternoon.

Georgia wasn’t in a good mood to cook, so the group ordered takeaways for dinner.


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