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Pregnant With Twins: My CEO’s Tricky Love novel Chapter 520

“Miss Powell’s internal injuries aren’t serious. From the lingering drug concentrations, we can see that someone injected Miss Powell with drugs meant to damage nerves and stimulate desire, but they haven’t affected her body too much. She just needs to rest and heal up.”

The doctors spoke to Emilia’s parents, with Georgia and Robert standing behind. Everyone was slightly relieved.

If there were physical problems to go with the mental trauma, that was big trouble.

Only, mental trauma wasn’t something so easily cured.

They still didn’t know what Emilia had been through to turn her willful, straightforward personality so sensitive and pained.

Nobody could approach Emilia as she was now. They’d already put her in a room similar to those in mental asylums so she couldn’t hurt herself, and they had her stay there alone.

Other than people taking food and drink over, they also had to give her regular tranquilizers. In other times, nobody dared approach her.

The moment anyone approached, Emilia grew anxious and afraid, and nobody wanted to stimulate her.

“Thank you, doctor.”

Margie turned to the doctors, who left. Georgia instantly bowed her head before Emilia’s parents.

“I’m so sorry, Oscar, Margie. It’s my fault for dragging Emilia into this. I’ll find a way to cure her. No matter what doctors we have to find, I’ll work hard to fix this.”

Georgia didn’t even know what to say to express her apology. She just wanted to think of a way to fix Emilia’s mental trauma.

But she wasn’t a professional in that field, and her words seemed good for nothing.

It tore Georgia up inside. She hated how she was useless.

And before Emilia’s parents, she felt even smaller, like a sinner.

She even wanted Emilia’s parents to yell at her and scold her. She felt like she deserved it.

Emilia was such a cheerful and independent girl, but she’d been tortured to this state.

Georgia couldn’t forgive her lapse this time.

“There’s no telling what could happen in life, Georgia. You might have been the cause of this, but I know who the real culprit is. Eric’s escaped this time, and I hope you can deal with him sooner to take revenge for Emilia. As for Emilia’s mental state, her father and I are going to try to cure her. Of course, if you can introduce any good psychiatrists, I’ll be very grateful.

“But you don’t need to be so guilty. As her parents, we didn’t do a good job of protecting her. We just trusted her and let her play around out there.”

At what Margie said, Georgia’s eyes reddened.

Oscar spoke up as well.

“What’s happened has happened. The most important thing to do right now is to make up for it and try to completely suppress Eric. I’ve heard of him and seen him several times. Now’s the time to pile on the pressure.

“Robert, Georgia, the Powell family is going to help you against Eric and the Wimbledon family. I hope our two sides united can deal with this problem.”

“Don’t worry, Oscar. I’ve put some plans in place. If you want to know the details or to join in, I’ll provide assistance.”

Robert turned to Oscar and promised. Oscar looked at him steadily and finally spoke.


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