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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 124

In the evening, feeling the cool breeze, Elena was coming back with Logan and she was so peaceful and content in her heart.

“Have you finished all your work?” Elena thought back and it seemed that Logan had been working for a long time before she called him.


Elena was worried, “Are you alright?”

Logan knew that she was afraid that he was hurt by those words earlier, and he smiled, “Elena, your husband is not a coward. I have already got used to them now.”

“But you still fell sad about it.” Elena stopped, “What’s wrong with the wheelchair? You didn’t want this and it was not your fault to have an accident.”

She was much more irritated than him, and Logan smiled again. But he didn’t say anything. They went back to the hotel. When Elena took the shower and came out, she found Logan was looking at her with his phone in his hand.

Elena felt puzzled, “Why are you looking at me like this?”

Logan grinned, “Your husband just avenged you. So how will you reward me for that?”

Her eyes turned bright in curiosity. “What did you do?”

“I will tell you if you give me a reward.” Logan pointed at his lips, and then he closed his eyes, waiting for her to kiss him.

Elena smiled wittily when he closed his eyes, and then she ‘kissed’ him with her two fingers. The next moment, Logan opened his eyes.

He looked at her and held her in his arms, “Are you kidding me?”

“No.” Elena denied, “Now that I have already kissed you, you should tell me what you have done. You promised me!”

“My little liar.” Logan held her more tightly and looked into her eyes, “I am very familiar with your body, and I kissed every part of your body.”

When she ‘kissed’ him, he knew that it was not her lips.

Elena blushed at once, “What are you talking about?”

Logan stopped teasing her and said, “The Wilson brothers came here to seek cooperation and financing, but I reached an agreement before they did. So they failed.”

Elena caressed his face in surprise, “Mr. Brown, you are so bad.”

“Not bad. It’s called business and I am a talented businessman.” he knew he could earn more in this.

“Then you are a bad profiteer!” She said directly.

Logan touched his nose innocently, “I did it for you. I promised to avenge you.”

Elena smiled and kissed him quickly, “Is this kiss enough?”


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