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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 13

Sophia was trembling with anger, but professionalism required her to calm down and waited quietly for Shirley to order her drink.

From the beginning to the end, no one said anything. Shirley drank her juice joyfully and got up triumphantly when she finished, "Well, my time for you is up. I’m in a hurry to the next interview. So bye."

Elena was a little panicked since they didn’t even start this interview. But now she was leaving? When Elena saw Shirley leaving, she immediately stand up and called her, "Miss Shirley, please wait a moment!" Elena took a breath. "I don’t quite understand what you mean. Our interview hasn’t even started yet, why..."

"The interview is over. I definitely said that I would give you fifteen minutes, but unfortunately, you didn’t appreciate it. And now you are blaming me." Shirley looked so innocent when she said that. Elena would believe her if she didn’t know what really happened.

Sophia was furious and finally spoke out, "When did you give us time? You were late from the beginning and you didn’t even apologize when you came in but just directly gave us fifteen minutes! OK, fine, we accepted! But now you are leaving!? Don’t you think you have gone too far?"

The people in the restaurant were instantly curious about what was happening. Shirley was a celebrity so she put on her sunglasses and mask at once. However, her contemptuous attitude could never be hidden, "So what if I have gone too far? Do your want to go against me? You’re just nobody from a little magazine."

"Aren’t you afraid that we will write down what happened today and publish it?"

Undaunted, Elena looked into Shirley ‘s eyes.

Shirley grimaced, raised her hand without hesitation, and gave her a hard slap, "Who do you think you are? Do you think anyone will believe what you say!?"

"Elena, are you okay?" Sophia was taken aback. No one expected she would slap.

Shirley slightly snorted, "Keep your mouth shut, otherwise I will let you suffer!"

"Why?" Elena asked despite her immediately red and swollen face. Why was Shirley so hostile to their magazine?

Shirley chuckled and thought Elena wasn’t too stupid. However, seeing her embarrassed appearance, Shirley finally felt a lot of joy, and explained softly, "Because Olivia is my sister!"

No wonder!

Elena suddenly understood that she was revenging for Olivia.

"Just wait. I’ll have my company send you a compensation agreement. You two not only wasted my time but also delayed my work. Prepare to pay a fortune!"

"You are talking nonsense! It is you who didn’t cooperate, and you even slapped Elena!" Sophia accused her in exasperation.

"Who knows? Do you have proof?" Shirley glanced at her.

Sophia was so angry that she could not say a word, and Shirley laughed, "I’m not incompetent Olivia. Do you want to fight me? In your dream!"

Seeing Shirley strutting away, Sophia pulled at Elena’s sleeve, "Do you know each other? I think I just heard her saying Olivia or something."

Elena nodded, then shook her head, "Sort of. I know her sister."

Sophia was utterly desperate and hit on the table helplessly, "Then what about this interview?"


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