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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 135

Zach locked the car at once for her safety and started the car again. He blamed, “Come on! We are on the road! It’s so dangerous to get off here!”

“Then why do you stop in the middle of the road?” Sophia retorted.

Zach was wordless. He chose to keep silent and Sophia kept saying in an angry tone, “Why don’t you let me go? What do you want from me?”

Zach didn’t know how to answer. Just a moment ago, he stopped the car because he saw her crying beside the road. She looked so miserable and poor. Then he pulled her into his car. And now, he didn’t know why he would do that and what he should do now.


“Be polite to me. I have my name!” Then Zach told her his name. But the next second, he heard her belly was singing in hunger. He looked at Sophia, “Haven’t you eaten anything? Are you hungry?”

Sophia was so embarrassed. She was working all the day and had no time to have lunch. She didn’t eat anything, except the drink from Elena.

He took her silence as a “Yes”. So he drove her to the restaurant that they just passed by.

Sophia refused to have a meal with Zach, but he said, “It’s on me. As a compensation. I am so sorry for hitting you last time.”

Sophia looked at him with suspicion. Seemingly she didn’t believe in his kindness towards her. ‘He must want to do something bad to me.’ She thought.

“Come on! Don’t look at me like that! I promise that I have no interest in you! So take it easy. Just enjoy the meal. You know, it’s just a compensation!” Zach explained and reassured her, pulling her into the restaurant.

Now it was not the lunch time. So there were few customers in the restaurant. Sophia picked a table next to the window and took a seat without hesitation. And then she ordered much food than she could eat up.

Zach’s mouth twitched slightly, showing his shock and disbelief. “Wow, it’s incredible that you can eat all of it.”

“It’s on you, isn’t it? Why can’t I eat?” Sophia snorted. She was so hungry that she started to eat heartily when the food was served.

“Look at you. How long haven’t you had a meal? You looked like a refugee!”

“Leave me alone and shut up!”

Zach raised both of his hands up to show surrender, and didn’t say a word to her anymore.

His phone was ringing. He took a look. Well, it was his dear mother, Mrs. Stone.

“Zach, you promised to bring your girlfriend home, if my memory is correct. I’ve waited for a few days, but you never show me your girl! Can you tell me what happened?” Mrs. Stone said worriedly.

Zach felt awkward, “Come on, mother, it’s only a few days!”

“It’s you who promised me to bring her home, isn’t it? Look at you. You are old enough to get married! And look at Logan, he listened to his family and married so soon and now, he is living a happy life! His wife may be pregnant now!”


Come on. Impossible! He got too many enemies always thinking how to knock him down. And Elena was even drugged. Though they might have a baby one day, absolutely not now!

“You can hear me clearly, right? Don’t play dumb! Now I am telling you, if you don’t bring her home tomorrow, you will lose me. Am I clear?” Mrs. Stone gave him a threat.

Zach was staring at Sophia and suddenly knew what to do.

“Yes, Madam! Now I will book a ticket! Don’t worry!”

Mrs. Stone was satisfied with his answer, “Good boy!”


Just a moment later, he found that Sophia had eaten up the food she ordered. “Wow…You…you can eat a lot.”


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