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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 144

It was early in the morning. When Logan woke up, he found that Elena was gone. Then he got up, searching around the room. Finally he found that Elena was in the study.

Elena was staring at the computer. She kept moving the mouse, seemingly she was busy doing something. He frowned, moving his wheelchair towards her, “You’re up so early. Why?”

“Oh, you are up, too.” Elena raised her head and looked at him.

“Yes.” He saw her clicking the “SAVE” key and then taking a deep breath. After that, she smiled to him, “Because I have something to do!”

She took out the USB driver and showed it to Logan, “I think this will make Emma talk!”

Logan smiled, but asked nothing about the USB driver. He pulled her hand, “But you don’t have to get up so early. You should get more sleep. OK?”

“But I am not tired.” She said.

Logan pretended not to hear her words, and pulled her to the bed, “Mrs. Brown. It’s 6 o’clock a.m. now. And it’s snowing heavily outside. Why are you in a hurry? Just get more sleep.”

She was about to get up, however, he hugged her and stopped her from leaving. After a while, she asked, “Doctor said that you might recover and stand if you cooperate in the medical treatment. What happened later? Did you contact the doctor?”

Logan was silent.

She didn’t ask, embracing him even more closely.

After a while, just when she thought he would not answer her, she could hear him so clearly before she nearly fell asleep, “Yes. I will contact the doctor later. Just when all this is settled, I will ask Jacob to make an appointment.”

“Really?” Now she was totally awake. Though the light was off, Logan could still see her eyes shining brightly because of excitement.

“Yes,” He covered her with the quilt, “Why are you so excited?”

“No, I am not!” She tried to hide her feelings but failed.

Elena couldn’t fall asleep then. However, Logan fell asleep again, breathing regularly. She couldn’t take her eyes off him. Later, she fell asleep as well.

When she woke up again, it was noon! It was snowy and gloomy outside.

She jumped out of the bed and ran to the dining room. Mia was about to serve the lunch. She saw Elena in a hurry, thinking something serious happened. So she asked Elena, “Elena, what happened? You are not wearing your slippers! Come on, wear your slippers, or Mr. Brown will complain about it!”

Just at the same time, Logan went down, with her slippers in his hands.

Elena’s face was turning red, “Why don’t you wake me up?”

“Why don’t you wear your slippers? What if you catch a cold?” Logan didn’t answer why he didn’t wake her up, but asked her another two questions. He made her sit on the couch and helped her wear the pair of the woolen slippers.

Her lips curled, “Come on. There’s the carpet on the floor. It’s warm. How can I catch a cold?”

Logan gave her a glance, which stopped her complaining.


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