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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 151

Logan didn’t have a appetite because of the fever. So he just took a bite and didn’t eat anything later.

The fever made him look paler just in one day. Elena was so worried about him.

After lunch, Jacob told her in the corridor, “Sir isn’t in good health after his legs were injured. So he might catch a cold easily.”

Elena lowered her head again. ‘It’s all my fault! I shouldn’t have let him wash the clothes!’ She thought guiltily.

“Madam, you don’t have to blame yourself.” Jacob could feel her remorse, “Because of you, he has changed a lot. At least, he is trying to make himself better. He let me make an appointment a few days ago. He decides to accept a treatment.”

A gleam of hope flashed in her eyes, and Jacob smiled, “It’s hard to imagine that he will make such a decision.”

Logan was too proud. It was so hard for him to face his injured legs and decide to receive the treatment. But he would do for Elena!

Elena smiled, “After all, he is like a child sometimes. You need to push him a little!”

Jacob laughed, too. But he tried to control himself not to laugh out loud.

When they got home, it was already afternoon. Mia saw Logan tightly covered by thick clothes. She was so scared that she immediately called the doctor. After prescribing some medication for him, the doctor left and Mia felt relieved finally.

Elena entered the bedroom. Seemingly Logan was sleeping. So she tried to keep quiet. However, he opened his eyes and caught her.

“Aren’t you sleeping?” She was a little surprised.

“I slept for a day and I can’t sleep anymore.” He embraced her in arms.

Elena leaned on him and touched his forehead with a hand, in order to check if he was still in a fever. Luckily, he got much better now.

“Would you like to get up?” She raised her head and looked at him.

“No.” He shook his head, insisting to embrace her, “Just stay still for a while...”

Elena grinned and said jokingly, “Mr. Brown, I find that you are acting like a baby now!”


She probably noticed that he was sullen because of her joke, so she immediately corrected herself, “Oh, I am sorry that I am wrong. You are not acting like a baby; you are just clingy.”

Last time he did the same thing when he got drunk. It seemed that he would not let her go as he caught her once.

She rubbed against his chest with affection, “But I like it very much. I like the sense of being needed by you.”


“Why ‘why’? You’re always alone, which makes you look lonely. It seems that you don’t need anyone else. I am your wife, who is supposed to be the closest one to you. You don’t have to hide your fragility from me. Meanwhile, I will protect you! No one will know your fragility.”

The man laughed happily, “Little monster.”


Logan pinched her cheek gently. After taking the medicine, he fell asleep again. After he fell asleep, she left quietly.


After going downstairs, Mia asked her, “Madam, there is a lady shouting to meet you, but I can’t stop her! Jacob is talking to her now.”


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