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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 184

Elena touched her nose unnaturally, lying, “Well, we are just on our way…we are not really here.”

Sophia didn’t think too much and led them in. Zach waited in the study for a while but she didn’t come back. So he came out to have a look.

“Elena? Why are you here?” Then he saw Logan beside her. He grinned, “Why are you here? Are you here for paying me?”

Logan didn’t answer, but asked, “How about the investigation?”

“Well…good…I think.” He felt a little guilty.

Logan was looking at him. Zach promised that he would get all he wanted in three days. Now time was already up. It seemed that Zach would break his words again.

Zach tried to explain, “You can’t blame me. Don’t you remember you gave me an extra task? It took time!”

After all, he did something to help get the bid. Or, Kent would get it instead!

Elena raised her brows, “When did you contact Logan?”

“Don’t you know it?” Zach was yelling, trying to take the credit, “Let me tell you. Without my help, Logan wouldn’t get the bid!”

Sophia couldn’t bear his pride like that. She rolled her eyes to show disapproval, “Don’t flatter yourself. Look at my idol! He is fabulous! Perhaps you are a drag on him!”

Zach was mad at her. She was always talking about her idol. She didn’t think of him even a little!

Looking at Zach’s darkened face, she felt better, “Am I wrong? So now you feel guilty about flattering yourself, right?”

“You will get into trouble if you keep talking like this.” Zach gritted his teeth, saying angrily.

Sophia snorted, and hid behind Elena.

Elena took Sophia’s side, and said, “Stop, Zach. It’s not funny.”

Sophia hugged her, like she was the savior for her. Then she started to complain, “Elena, if I knew that I had to do so much hard labor for him, I would have never accepted your invitation! I have been so tired these days!”

Elena looked at Zach suspiciously. She wondered if Sophia was just kidding.

Zach felt wronged, and said, “Come on. I am afraid that you will overthink, so I made you busy doing your work. Don’t you know it’s for your good?”

In fact, he didn’t need a housekeeper, because he could clean his house up by himself. He was always neat! But in order to keep her, he changed himself. He threw the socks on the sofa deliberately, just because he wanted her to think of him while she was working. However, she never thought of him. She totally misunderstood his intention.

“Wow, how nice you are! Save it! You just did it to see me suffering deliberately.”

Zach didn’t know how to explain. To some extent, he did do it deliberately.

He looked at her sadly, “Well, it’s not my intention…”

Sophia looked away, ignoring him. Then she pulled Elena to the other side and continued her complaining. She told every detail about what Zach had done to her these days. The more she talked, the more depressed she became. She got angrier and angrier!

Elena smiled, “He bothered you, and you can let him pay it back.”


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