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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 192

It was in the Browns’ villa.

Jacob sent them to the Browns. The atmosphere there was so gloomy. Elena subconsciously held the wheelchair tightly.

Suddenly, Cornel gave a sharp and mean stare at Elena, starting scolding, “Elena! Keel down! Explain everything to us!”

Why did she have to kneel down to start explaining?

Elena was shocked. But then she realized his mean manner, so she didn’t do as he wanted, “No way! I didn’t do anything wrong. And you don’t even know what happened. Why should I kneel down!”

“Because you are Logan’s wife.” Jacqueline looked so bossy. It seemed that she finally seized the chance to blame Elena. She added, “And you are damaging the reputation of our family! But you said you did nothing wrong? How shameless you are! You never show respect to us, don’t you!?”

Her unreasonable blame was so ridiculous that Elena even wanted to laugh. She didn’t know what she’d done to make Jacqueline feel not being respected. Actually it was not about respect. She just wanted to blame her, for no reason.

Elena didn’t say a word. Jacqueline was going even further, “What? Why don’t you say anything? Do you admit it? Well, we don’t mind if you don’t respect us, but now, you are having an affair! You must kneel down to explain! How dare you say no to us!”

“What did you see in the photos? We were just talking to each other. We didn’t hug, or kiss, let alone have sex! What should I explain for? You just want to humiliate me, right?!”

“How dare you talk back to me like that!” Jacqueline’s eyes widened in anger. She charged at Elena and was about to give her a slap!

However, thanks to the training from Logan, Elena became more agile. She quickly dodged. And Jacqueline missed her target and fell down to the ground. She quickly got up and wanted to slap Elena again.

Elena was strong enough to catch her wrist. She squeezed Jacqueline’s wrist and said, “Jacqueline, how can you hit me?”

Jacqueline couldn’t believe that Elena was so strong now!

She was confident that Elena was always delicate and slapped by her as usual. However, Elena became stronger and she knew how to dodge and even caught her wrist. Jacqueline could feel the pain on the wrist as Elena was squeezing it.

“How dare you! Do you want to hit me?”

“Of course not. Jacqueline. I am not interested in it. I don’t even want to touch you!” She let go of Jacqueline’s wrist. Jacqueline didn’t see this coming and staggered. She tried her best to support herself.

Now she knew she was no match for Elena, so she turned to Cornel and asked for help, “Cornel! Look at her! She made mistakes and wanted to hit me! Oh Lord! How poor we are! Why did Logan marry such a woman!”

Elena frowned. Logan looked at Jacqueline, “Just tell me what kind of woman Elena is.”

Jacqueline wanted to complain but the words wouldn’t come out of her mouth because Logan was staring at her coldly and sternly.

Cornel was irritated by his attitude, “Logan! You shouldn’t defend her like that! She’s disgracing our family!”


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