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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 196

Elena closed her eyes. She didn’t dare to see how Cornel hit Logan. Logan held her hands so tightly. While Cornel showed no mercy to Logan, hitting him so heavily.

Logan forced himself not to make a sound though it was so painful. Elena could see that he was just bearing it in great pain.

But Cornel was unsatisfied with his reaction, “Why are you so quiet? You were so brave to retort me just now. Now you know the consequence of defending her. You should remember the pain!”

Elena gritted her teeth. She looked away without saying a word. And Logan seemed not to hear anything, turning a deaf ear to Cornel.

Cornel got more furious, hitting Logan even more heavily. He hit Logan so hard that he was sweating. And Logan was, too.

After the last hit, Cornel threw the stick away. The maid picked it up hurriedly.

“Mrs. Wilson. As you can see, I’ve punished my son now. I believe they will learn their lesson. As for the affair, we will deal with it.”

Mrs. Wilson was happy about it, nodding and saying, “Great. Now we shall go home. Charlie! It’ll be your turn. You father will make you learn your lesson! You will know what you should do and what you shouldn’t do!”

Charlie was furious. He wanted to argue but his mother stopped him. At last, he was pulled out of the Browns’ villa by his mother.

Elena’s hand was trembling, holding Logan, “It hurts?”

“Not really.” He patted her face to comfort her, “Don’t worry about me. I am good.”

Elena cried, “But…”

She could see him gritting his teeth now. Cornel hit him without mercy. How came it didn’t hurt?

Logan smiled, “Come on. I am fine. Really. It won’t hurt as long as you are safe.”

Elena bit her lip. She knew that he was just comforting her. But she didn’t want him to worry, either. So she nodded, “Thank you.”

Cornel snorted, “Look at her. She didn’t do anything when you were suffering! Does she really deserve your love?”

A wife would certainly do something like crying when her husband was suffering. But she didn’t. instead, she just looked at him. He still remembered that Jacqueline nearly cried to death when Yolanda got punished.

Elena looked at Cornel indifferently, “If I begged you not to punish Logan, would you listen to me and stop it?”

She knew the answer was “No”.

Now that he wouldn’t stop it, there was no point to show her weakness before them.

Cornel was shocked by her. He was irritated, “Is this your excuse?”

Elena didn’t answer his question, but asked, “Since you’ve punished us, can we leave now?”

“Look at you! You still think you haven’t done anything wrong, right?!”

“Because I didn’t do anything wrong!” Elena answered.


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