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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 201

“Stop it!” Elena covered her chest with her arms and looked away because of shyness. Logan touched her slightly, saying composedly, “I’m telling truth.”

“Stop talking about it!”

“OK!” Logan didn’t argue with her. Looking at the scars which were so obvious on her fair skin, he couldn’t help being sullen.

He was silent suddenly. So after applying the medicine, she looked around and asked, “Are you angry with me?”


“Yes, you are.”

Logan was puzzled. Elena bit her lip and continued, “You must be angry with me since I’m talking about the Browns, right? Or you don’t like to talk about your wound?”

Logan shook his head. Elena was getting confused, “Then why? What makes you angry?”

Logan touched her face. Now his hands were warm and she felt comfortable and even rubbed against his hands with her face.

He looked at her. Seeing her anxiety and worry in her eyes, Logan couldn’t help feeling even more sullen. Elena frowned, “What’s the matter?”

“I am angry with myself.” He said in a low tone.


Elena didn’t understand it. She thought it was her fault. He should be angry with her. But it seemed that he took the blame on himself.

Logan smiled, “I think if I were not confined to my wheelchair, you wouldn’t have been bullied by them anyway.”

Once again, he realized how important to stand or walk like most people. At first, he couldn’t accept that he lost the ability to walk or run, or even stand. Then he had to get used to it. But now, because of Elena, the desire to walk again was growing day by day; all he wanted was the strength to protect her.

After thinking for a moment, she understood what he said. She smiled, “Honey, you are my support though you can’t walk. You are my hero. I love you.”

He had taken the punishment for her. She could feel how strong his love was to her; she cherished it so much.

Men and women were so different in the way of thinking. In her mind, Logan was a superman, who saved her from the darkness and protected her so well.

But Logan didn’t think so. In his mind, no one could bully her if he was powerful enough. He didn’t do his best to keep her safe.

Logan smiled, “My silly girl.”

“You are the silly one!” Elena complained.

Logan didn’t argue. He also believed that both of them were idiots in the game of love.

Elena felt much better after the treatment. And Logan felt somewhat relieved.

After a while, Jacob appeared. He didn’t look well now; his face was pale. Elena remembered that Logan asked him to get his own punishment. He must be punished just now. However, she didn’t ask him for the details.

“Where is Emma Bush now?” Logan asked in a cold tone.

“At home. Mason knew about the fake news, too. He seemed to help find the evidence for Elena.”

Logan said in contempt, “Oh? So he thinks that he can make it up for Elena?”


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