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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 203

Mason was stunned. There was too much information for him to digest. He didn’t know what happened to Emma and Elena, but before he got the chance to ask her, she had hung up the phone.

Elena took a breath; she was so regretful to answer this call. She knew Mason so well. Why did she still hope that he would take her side?

Sophia could see how unhappy Elena was from her expression, so she made a funny face, trying to cheer Elena up, “Elena, don’t be angry. Look at me, lalala…”

“Puff!” Elena was teased by her. She pinched Sophia’s cheek and said, “You are making me laugh.”

“Hey, hey.” Sophia grinned, “I just want to make you happy.”

Elena looked at her and asked, “What about Zach and you?”

“Well…nothing. Nothing, just as usual.” While talking about Zach, Sophia’s face was darkening.

Elena was a bit shocked, “You haven’t accepted his love, have you?”

She thought they would start dating since Zach did so much for Sophia. But now it seemed that things didn’t go swimmingly between them.

Sophia became angry once they talked about Zach. But she refused to tell the reason. She said to Elena gloomily, “Why should I accept? I don’t like him. I am just a maid working in his house!”

Elena knew Sophia was talking in a fit of pique, so she laughed, “Oh, my dear. Do you believe that he needs a maid to work for him?”

“Or what? You know what! He lives an untidy and messy life! His life will be a disaster if no maid works for him!”

“I tell you a secret.” Elena whispered in Sophia’s ear, something cunning flashing in her eyes.

“Logan and Zach studied abroad years earlier. Logan told me that Zach was good at cooking and taking care of himself…”

“No way?!” Sophia couldn’t believe it, “How could he cook or tidy the house?!”

Elena spread her hands and said, “Well, I am just, you know, saying. Don’t take it seriously. You can skip over it.”

Sophia looked down and began to think. She couldn’t believe what Elena said was true.

As she knew, Zach had nothing to do with tidiness.

Elena could see her hesitation, so she added, “He told us that it was all for you; it was true. He likes you. So if you like him, don’t waste your time.”

“Elena, you don’t understand it…”

Sophia shook her head, looking very sad.

“Why?” Elena didn’t know what she was worried about. She could see Sophia had special feelings for Zach.

“Hey! Don’t worry about us, Elena. Who cares what’s in his mind. I can leave right away if he doesn’t need a maid!”

“Sophia, you don’t understand what I said!” Elena said. She knew that Zach treated the relationship so seriously. But in her eyes, he was just teasing her.

Sophia was looking at her. She wanted to talk but the sentences just couldn’t come out of her mouth.


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