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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 242

Jacqueline pointed to Elena with a finger, her body trembling, “Elena! It’s not funny to keep lying!”

“How do you know it is a lie?” Elena touched her belly, smiling brightly.

Now Jacqueline was scared by Elena.

Elena looked at George, saying in a low tone, “Grandpa, I have a word in private with Jacqueline.”

George didn’t think it was a good idea to leave them two in a room alone. He looked at Logan, who let go of Elena’s hand quietly. George wanted to persuade Elena. But at last, he decided not to say a word to stop Elena.

“Let’s stay outside for a while. Let them talk.” George said. No one would go against George. They left the room.

“Call me if you need,” said Logan.

Elena nodded.

No one was in the room now except Elena and Jacqueline.

Jacqueline didn’t want to beat about the bush. She sat down and said, “What do you want from me?”

“You know it, right?” Elena said.

Jacqueline tried to play dumb, “I don’t know. Do you still think that I want to kill your baby?”

“In fact, you do.” Elena raised her eyebrows.

Jacqueline laughed; she didn’t argue.

Elena clenched her fists, “I can understand why you want to kill my baby; it may get in your way. But why did you hurt Logan?”

Jacqueline was astonished, looking at her.

“You must be curious how I knew it?”

“No.” She shook her head, “I am not curious. I am thinking that you are not stupid as I thought.”

Elena faked a smile, “I am so stupid. I found it after the surgery was done. At first, I guessed you didn’t do anything to stop the surgery because you didn’t care. However, you ruined his surgery! You broke his hope into pieces!”

Jacqueline said, “You forced me; I have no choice.”

If his surgery was successful, he would come back to the Browns and dominate the business again. Yolanda and she could get nothing at last!

“This isn’t a good excuse! Logan never wanted anything in the Browns. Never! But you came to hurt him again and again!”

“Stop your nonsense. Just tell me what you want to say. I don’t think you just want to know my reason.”

The reason was visible. Logan was a barrier in her life. If she wanted to live a good life in the Browns, she must kick him off! It was her choice; that was the reason.

Elena said to her expressionlessly, “I just want to give you a warning; don’t try to hurt Longa or my baby, or you will pay for it.”

“Oh, really?” Jacqueline didn’t afraid, grinning.


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