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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 260

Elena didn’t even know what happened, but Kent was looked at her so fiercely, making her feel terrified, and she stopped eating at once.

“Why are you staring at me? Something wrong with my face?”

“I am wondering how you bewitched Logan and he was willing to do anything for you,” Kent mocked.

Elena felt depressed, “What happened to Logan?”

“What? You were having a meal happily. Once I mentioned him, you get worried at once. Just be patient!”

Elena was more certain that something happened to Logan, “Where is he? What did he do?”

“Why should I tell you? You are smart while I am not that stupid. Stay here and wait for me!”

Kent said cruelly and left with his men.

Elena didn’t have any appetite for the porridge now. She missed him so much that she couldn’t focus on anything else…

While Kent was indeed in a great hurry.

As the door of the old mansion was opened slowly, Kent walked into the hall. A strict man was sitting there, and Kent breathed gently, “Master Lewis…”

“Now you respect me as Master Lewis! Tell me what is going on in the company! The stock has fallen sharply, and even the stockholders in the company sold their stocks!”

Kent was surprised, “Logan did this?”

“I don’t care who did this, but you need to be responsible for it. Have you done something lately behind my back?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Tell me the truth! I even heard that you hid Logan’s wife!”

Master Lewis asked him, and Kent was nervous at first, but then he calmed down, “It is not what you think. I didn’t hide her, and it is just a misunderstanding.”

“A misunderstanding? I don’t think so! He already started his revenge now!” Master Lewis was angry. “Listen to me. If you don’t tell me everything honestly, I will not spare you!”

“Master Lewis…”

Kent took a deep breath, annoyed, “Logan is bluffing now. He dares not to ruin us.”

“Bluffing?” Master Lewis thought it was a joke, “You didn’t show up these days. Do you know what Logan did?”

Kent had no idea, and Master Lewis gave him a file.

“In three days, he had already merged the Bush Group. The Bushes couldn’t survive in H City anymore! He is determined to revenge, and do you think he will stop that easily?”

“That is impossible!”

Kent didn’t believe that Logan had acted so swiftly, but as he looked at the file, he was shocked…


Kent’s hands trembled, “Who is helping Logan? He couldn’t do it on his own.”

Did the Browns help him?


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