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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 274

Looking at Cornel’s trembling face because of anger, Logan squinted his eyes sharply, “Well, you got to take yourself seriously first.”

“Enough!” Grandpa George directly interrupted their quarrel and said, “How come that every time you two meet, you would just bite each other like dogs? Also Cornel, Logan was right. You are not as able as you were before. You are reckless and always acting on your own! Then you would just end up messing everything up!”

Cornel was already irritated because he was lectured by his son, so after being scolded by his father in front of all these people, he was beyond indignant inside!

Retracting his look back, Logan said, “I didn’t mean to irritate him. He started it.”

Did Cornel just think that he can take this chance to humiliate Elena? Big mistake. Logan can back up on anything but Elena! She was his bottom line.

Pointing at Logan indignantly, Cornel can’t really say anything.

Yolanda suddenly sprinted out and grabbed his hands, “Daddy, don’t be mad at brother. He didn’t mean it.”

“Back off!”

“Daddy, mom said that she missed you and wanted to see you. I’m begging you. Please come with me and meet her! She is all alone these days. I’m really sad for her.”

Cornel immediately stopped his action and rolled his eyes at Loan and Elena as if she was the initiator of evil.

Elena just bit her lips and didn’t say more.

Feeling that he was ignored, grandpa George asked coldly, “Who told you that you can meet her without my permission?”

“Grandpa, how come that you are so cruel? Mom is behaving herself these days.” Yolanda said in red eyes. “It’s true that she did something wrong, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t meet each other. She is my mother! Where is my human right!”

Grandpa George glared at Yolanda and was furious.

Looking at Yolanda’s sad face, Cornel was also a bit depressed and patted her shoulder, “Yolanda, I know you are kind and filial unlike somebody who can never learn to be so.”

Logan frowned dangerously which Cornel noticed clearly, “What? Did I say wrong? You’re crippled now because of her! You can protect her all you want, but I would love to see if she would be the one who will ruin you eventually!”

Then Cornel just left with Yolanda.

Looking at his back, grandpa George didn’t know what to say for a while. He can only shake his head at the end, “Elena, Cornel is just hot-headed and straightforward. He is always a bit unreasonable and only champion his own opinions... Don’t take it seriously.”

Elena shook her head and said, “I won’t.”

Conversely, she pitied him! How come that he was still so muddle-headed at his age now!

Then grandpa George just smiled, trying to change the subject, “Did you eat the tonics that I sent you earlier? Remember to tell me after you finish them. I will send you more!”

“No, there is enough of that. Grandma also sent me some.” Elena hurriedly shook her head for she was afraid of having those tonics.

Grandpa George breathed a sigh of relief, “Don’t be so frugal! You ought to wat these things now! Don’t be willful!”

Elena said embarrassedly, “I really didn’t.”

Grandpa George stared at her, “You were!”


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