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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 29

Logan had heard lots of praise before, but it was the first time she praised him. Although it was an insignificant remark, it made his heartbeat quicken.

"Huh?" Elena stared at his ears which became slightly red as if she had discovered a new world, "Logan, are you shy? Ouch!"

Logan's hand shook. He was distracted and forgot to be soft when he was applying ice on Elena’s cheeks, causing her to cry out in pain.

"No. Close your eyes and no talking!" He deliberately shouted at her, but his behavior was exactly what she wanted to see. She narrowed her eyes and laugh out loud.

She was so complacent that he immediately punished her. Elena only felt burning on her cheek. It was not pain, but burning, as Logan had kissed on her cheeks as punishment.

Finally, Elena was embarrassed by his kiss. Logan then wrapped her with quilt and said playfully, "Take a rest. The doctor will come and give you some anti-inflammatory and medicine applied to your face."

"OK." She felt so sleepy as if lying on on a cloud, and unaware of what he said. She just nodded carelessly, and the ice applied to her face seemed useless and made her face more burning.

Such unreal sensations lasted until the doctor came over. She then felt no burning on her face any more.

Logan asked her to rest and lightly closed the door. Jacob was silent until he felt that Logan looked at him coldly.

Jacob said, "According to the investigation, Emma came to G City because of Jeremy. She hired a private detective to follow him but, unexpectedly, the guy got the wrong room number."

His lips closed tightly. His expression even made Jacob feel cold. He had not deliberately investigated Jeremy's whereabouts before his trip, but he had not expected such a coincidence would occur!

"Forget it. Emma wouldn’t go smoothly even without me."

"Then we’ll do nothing?" Jacob wondered.

Logan nodded but was still a little nervous, "After all, Emma was her family, so it would be appropriate to punish Emma by their family."

By then, even he had done nothing. Jeremy and Mason would no let Emma go easily. She would suffer, but her suffering would never compare with those two slaps on Elena’s face!

"Yes." Jacob knew what he was thinking.

In Room 1809 of the Grand Hotel, Emma was lying on the bed while Jeremy stood on the balcony. He had smoked the whole night. There were lots of cigarette butts on the floor. His face was shrouded in smog.

"Jeremy?" Emma walked out of the room and saw a lonely back. She could not help but hug him on the spur of the scene and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Jeremy pulled down her hands which Emma just put on his waist. He turned around with an angry expression that scared her to step backwards.

"You got someone to investigate me?"

Emma's heart jolted. She said, "I..." She wanted to say no, but when she looked at his eyes with a knowing expression, she could not help but feel guilty.

"Yes or no!" He shouted in a low voice. Emma was stunned with her little body shaking for a second. Her eyes became red suddenly, and she reached out anxiously to grab his arm. She said, "No! I don't know, Jeremy. What's wrong with you!"

"Then why are you in G City!?"

Emma was confused. Exactly, she was in G City, in his room, but wasn't she in Logan's room, and hitting Elena?

Why she was here now... Did Logan contact Jeremy and then send her back?

She shook her head in bewilderment and said, "I don't know. I passed out."

"Emma, you let me down." Jeremy kept a distance indifferently. There was a cold expression in his eyes.

"No!" Emma took a step forward but was refused, unable to hold him at all, and the tears in her eyes finally ran down and wet her face. She said, "Jeremy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that."

Jeremy pushed her away mercilessly and said, "I gave you the chance to confess, but you didn't want it."

He had asked her, but unfortunately, she did not admit it, and the last hope was gone for good. She gave up the chance herself, so no one should be to blame.

"No. That's not true. Let me explain..."

"No need."


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