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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 302

Elena also got strained when she heard Jacob’s words. Jacob glanced at her and then replied cautiously, “Where is him?”

“OK, I’m coming.”

Elena saw he hung up the phone, then she stood up, “What’s the matter? They’ve found the one who damaged our car?”

Jacob nodded, “He is taken to the police station. But he doesn’t confess, and they don’t know what to do.”

“Do I need to tell Logan?”

“No.” Jacob squeezed his hand, “Mrs. Brown, please stay in the hospital. I’ll come to see what happens.”

Elena waved her hand and ask him to leave, “Go. Just call us if there is any problem. We’ll call a taxi to go home later.”

“No, I’ll come back soon and drive you home.”

Angered by his stubbornness, Elena forced a smile, “Why are you so obstinate? Don’t you think it’s too far?”

Jacob turned silent. But he looked like he was weighing his options.

Elena could not stand him anymore, so she gave him a push, “That’s it. Just go. I’ll stay in the hospital. And I won’t get into trouble in such a short time.”

Jacob thought she was wright. They were urging him, so he had to leave right away.

When he left the hospital, Kent suddenly gave her a call. She thought she misread the name on the screen when she looked at it, so she did not answer the phone right away.


“Yeah, it’s me.” Kent responded very soon. But he sounded tired, “I’ve heard that you had an accident? How are you doing?”

“Why can you know it so quickly?” Elena could not understand.

Kent sniffed, “Who do you think can hide something from me in H City? Moreover, have you forgotten my work in H City?”

He was the boss of a gang in H City, so he was the first to know what had happened if his men had an accident. But he did not expect that someone would hurt her regardless of consequences.

Elena knew the reason now.

Then she ignored his question and asked, “I’m fine now. But why can’t I contact you these days?”

“I need to deal with something.”

“Is it really difficult?”

Otherwise, why would she lose contact with him?

Besides, she could sense he was very tired through the phone.

Kent was jolted obviously. Then he replied, temporizing with a smile, “Nothing. No need to worry.”

“Even you want to pretend nothing happens, but you sound you are exhausted.” She was dispirited.

Kent shook his head, even though he knew she could not see him.

“Anyway, it’s a purely private affair, don’t worry about that. Just think about how to handle your own stuff.”

Elena snorted, “I think what you say is also suitable for you.”

He was the one who got into the trouble but still worried about them staying in H City. How could he imply her concern was unnecessary?

Feeling abashed, Kent did not know how to reply.

Elena found he turned silent and knew he was discomfited, so she laughed out immediately, “OK, that’s it. Just pretend that I haven’t said or asked anything, OK?”

“It’s nice that you’re fine. I’m fine too. Anyway, I still want to sneer at someone who had promised to protect you. You’re now in danger because of him.” Kent said in an unnatural way.

Amused, Elena was smiling. She knew he was worrying about them. But he would still make an ironic remark deliberately.


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