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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 333

When Logan’s words fell here, Elena took his words in and stopped thinking about it.

Jacqueline borrowed a big amount of 20 million and all of them were transferred to Kent, but there was no news for a long time, and her creditor was repeatedly rushing her that it almost driving her crazy!

After so many attempts, Jacqueline couldn’t hold back anymore, she angrily dialed Kent’s phone and asked, “What’s the matter with you! It’s been a week, and there is still no news!”

“If you are anxious, you won’t be able to see the results,” Kent replied lazily.

Jacqueline listened to his tone and angered, “I’m anxious? If I don’t hurry, George will hand the Brown family over to Logan! Are you able to do anything about it?”

“Yes! Give me a few more days. When I understand Logan’s daily itinerary, I will naturally take action. You are so anxious, what if I leave behind evidence?”

Kent’s words made sense, and it immediately reminded her that if things were not done properly, she would be the one who suffered in the end, it would be better to play safe.

When she thought about it that way, her anxiety finally faded a little, “It’s good that you know, I have given you the money, if you want to regret it, you can’t!”

“You can rest assured, they are all businessmen, and they are all about integrity.”

Jacqueline hung up the phone distractedly. Before she could react, the debt collection phone called again, and her slender nails were deeply embedded in her palms. After careful consideration, she answered the call.

“Mrs. Brown...”

The greasy voice almost made her nauseous, as she endured the disgust and Jacqueline expressed a smile on her face, “Marcus.”

“You still remember me. It’s good that you did. The 30 million I loaned you earlier, should be paid back now, right?”

“Thirty million!?”

Jacqueline’s voice subconsciously went louder, but she quickly lowered her voice, “Marcus, you must be messing with me, I didn’t borrow that much!”

“Nonsense, don’t you know we charge interest on the borrowed money?”

“But what we agreed on earlier was not like that!”

Jacqueline almost cried when she saw this attitude.

Marcus snorted, “Who agreed? What was agreed? We have it in black and white terms that we would charge interest if the money owed to me is not being repaid for one day. Based on the compounding of interest with all the miscellaneous fees, it adds up to that.”

Jacqueline gritted her teeth and refused to admit it, “This is not the same as what we said! I did not borrow the sum of money that was mentioned!”

“You brat, still dare to talk back!? If you weren’t Mrs. Brown, do you think you can get so much money immediately?”

“Is that the reason you lied to me!? I’m not afraid to tell you, I don’t have the money, if I had it, I wouldn’t have to borrow it!”

Jacqueline’s words implied that they could die together.

Marcus laughed calmly after hearing this. His laughter made people feel creepy, “No money? Then it’s easy!”

Jacqueline swallowed subconsciously, “What do you want to do?”

“It’s either you pay back the money, or it will cost you your hand!”

“Hand... hand!?”


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