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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 389

After the silence, Cornel clearly heard his own equally firm answer, "Yes!"

Yes ......

Logan could not help but want to laugh, he did so much, in the end did not break his last thoughts, but their own worries at this time the wretched can not be cleaned up ......

"Good!" He snorted out, "From now on, whatever will happen to Jacqueline this time, I will never care, and you, too, have nothing to do with me Logan!"

"I'm your father!" Cornel reminded him.

They are connected by blood, how can they say they are not related?

Logan said, word for word, "You're not!"

"Logan, are you trying to piss me off?" Cornel's eyes went black and he almost fainted.

"It's you who deliberately want to be against me, and I'll only say it once, I don't want to care about you and Jacqueline anymore, but at the time you made this decision, between you and me, that layer of relationship has long been broken!"

He should know what happened between him and Jacqueline, there is still a stalemate, he is good, a sentence of the deceased is the most important, a sentence to help Jacqueline, really easy to say!

Cornel's whole body was tense and a breath of air rushed up to his chest.

Logan said no more to him and hung up the phone with a 'pop'.

"Rebel son!"

Cornel slapped his phone on the table in anger and stood up violently. George Brown came downstairs and saw his agitated appearance and immediately frowned, "What, did Logan do something to make you angry?"

"It's nothing." Cornel subconsciously covered up about Jacqueline, "It's just that Logan is blaming me for what happened on Yolanda's end."

George Brown's eyes flooded with a dark look, "Did you do something behind his back and let him know about it?"

"How could I!" Cornel vainly looked away, "What can I have hidden from him, from the beginning to the end is he is in a temper, you do not know him, strong up no one can compare, also do not know who is following!"

George Brown grunted twice, "the Browns, too, have only produced such a Logan as him!"

Cornel heard the sarcasm in his voice, and his prejudice against Logan grew even deeper.

He knows that he is worse than Logan, but even if he is better in George Brown's eyes, then he is still his old man! But now Logan has hardened his wings, so he's thinking of climbing on top of him.

George Brown saw the displeasure on his face and slowly withdrew his gaze, "No matter what you did, what Logan did was justified, so was the company, you were all about Yolanda and the company, no wonder Logan was angry!"

"Dad, you should leave these things alone in the future." Cornel waved his hand perfunctorily and got up to leave.

George Brown watched his back and said nothing after all.

The housekeeper stayed aside, looking at George Brown's appearance to smooth him out, "Sir is just a bit capricious, but in the end the heart is not bad."

"My son, of course I know it's not bad, I'm just afraid ......"

The housekeeper looked at George Brown's worried look some do not understand, "you can now get rid of all the hands, the future of the day just to enjoy life is, where there is nothing to worry about?"


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