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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 402

Woke up overnight, as expected, no news at all, the large river flow, simply can not find a woman.

When the two heard the news, there was no surprise, just a dark sigh, and Elena said, "What about Dad? Is he slowing down now?"

"Still resting, won't know until he wakes up." Logan handed her the milk and glanced at Jacob, who was standing at one side, "You can eat together if you haven't eaten."

Jacob was flattered, Elena couldn't help but smile at his appearance and said, "Eat, you can't do anything if you're hungry, can you?"

At that Jacob hesitantly glanced at Logan and finally sat down.

Logan got up and made him an extra copy and set it in front of him, "Jacqueline's matter need not be bothered with for now, leave it to the salvage team."

"That's what I thought." Jacob nodded and sat up straight, "There's been movement over at the Lees in the past two days, and it seems that they know that the public will be released today, and later on, they should also come to you, sir."

Elena paused in her milk drinking and looked at the man on the side in good humor.

Logan raised his eyes and looked at the little woman, accurately reflecting the sourness in her eyes.

He pretended not to know and smiled, "Madam is looking at me so much because I have charmed Madam again today?"

Elena gave him a blank look, this guy, he didn't even see the occasion, Jacob was still sitting here! She skimmed, "I was just thinking if I should avoid them if they come later."

"Why should I recuse myself?" Logan had a straight face.

Elena took a hateful bite of bread, "So you want me to watch you and Anna make love in front of me?"

Logan laughed lowly, reached out and rubbed the top of her head, his thin lips fell on her ear and whispered, "Ma'am, don't forget, you're the Browns' rightful Mrs. Brown, how could anyone else possibly be in my good graces?"

"Poor talker!"

"Did you?" Logan gave the best display of innocence.

Elena helplessly reached out and pushed his face away and said, "You're serious, still eating or not!"

"Eat." Logan retreated to his seat, his gaze glued to hers.

Only, more than eating breakfast, he yearned for the plate of showy delicacies in front of him.

The table was quiet for a moment, and Elena had just wiped the corner of her mouth when the doorbell rang at the right time.

The two men looked at each other and both saw the look in each other's eyes.

Logan swept the empty plate in front of Jacob and said, "Go get the door, I guess, what's coming is coming."

said, unhurriedly clearing the plates and knives and forks on the table.

ElenaJoel's stretched and got up and also went to the living room to wait for the upcoming arrival.

As expected, the visitors happen to be Anna and Mrs. Lee, and I don't know if the wedding is near, both of them are red and glowing, and they look festive.

"Oh, Elena, you're home?" Mrs. Lee looked at her with a stunned expression, and then pulled Anna to sit down with a big smile.

Elena raised her eyes and swept them away, "This is my house, where else would I be if I wasn't there?"

Anna looked at her arrogant appearance is a burst of resentment, gritted his teeth and said, "Do not worry! Soon, this won't be your home anymore!"

"Is that so?"

Elena blinked innocently, "Why did Miss Lee say that for good reason? Does it mean that Logan is planning to sell the house without telling me, and the buyer, happens to be you?"


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