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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 426

"Mr. Ford, show some respect!" Elena said through gritted teeth.

Edward likewise gripped tighter, "Elena, as long as you trust me, I will give you the life you want, whether it's peace, or happiness, I can give it to you!"

"But the premise of what you're saying now is trying to get me to leave Logan isn't it?" She sneered.

Edward did not expect her to see through it immediately, a quick flash of panic on his face, quickly calmed down.

"How is that possible?" Edward laughed and denied her suspicions, "You and Logan are a couple, how could I possibly break you up?"

Elena looked at him half-heartedly.

Edward had a sincere face, "Elena, I swear, I truly want to be good to you! Trust me ......"


After hesitating, she still shook her head and stepped back, "Edward, I can't trust you, and I can't believe you."

"Why! I'm your father, Elena, you see clearly, we have the same blood in us, so don't resist, accept me, accept my atonement for you, everything I want to give you."

"Mr. Ford!" Elena flashed a stern look under her eyes, "You'd better ...... please go back."

"Elena ......"

Edward's whole body trembled with pain, his chest churning with emotions, screaming, "You won't even give me a chance?"

"I think I've made my words clear enough."

"I don't understand!" He growled, "I simply don't know what's wrong with you, why you have to reject me again and again, even if you won't even meet me once, not even one more word."

"In that case, let me ask you, do you know how Joanna died?" She turned her face abruptly, with a cold scowl.

Edward was stopped in his tracks by her sudden question , "I ......"

"You don't know, do you?"

"Elena, listen to me."

"What can you say?" She sneered and asked rhetorically, "What else can you say?Joanna is dead, and she can't come back to life."

"She's not dead!"

Edward suddenly let out a cold drink, the bottom of his eyes were scarlet, "She won't die, we're not married yet, how could she die!"

"Ed ......"

Elena was stunned by the way he took the epileptic look and couldn't help but keep backing up until her body hit the couch.

Edward quickly reacted to his loss of control and wiped his face with chagrin, "I'm sorry Elena, I didn't mean to do it, I, I just can't accept Joanna's death yet, I was too impulsive."

Elena subconsciously protected the small of her back and stared at him with a wary look on her face.

Edward panicked and didn't know what to say, "Elena, come to me and I'll apologize to you properly, okay?"

"I don't need an apology from you."

"That ......"

"I don't think we'll ever see each other again either!" Elena kindly smiled and said, "Mr. Ford take care of your health and stop thinking about me."

The original is two strangers, so many years have passed, and now there is no obsession to recognize back, and furthermore, she has no intention of having an additional mother.


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