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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 437

Kent responded, his hand on the small of her back was incredibly gentle, "Elena, no matter what happens you have to remember, as long as you face Edward, you have to show the same strength that you had when you confronted me!"

That ruthlessness that says nothing will leave Logan and that he can't live without him!

Only then will Edward let go of his obsession!

Elena couldn't hear or think, but in the end, she nodded.

Seeing this, Kent was relieved and quickly let go of his hand, no longer lingering on the second floor, Elena chased after him suspiciously, only just opened the door for a moment, followed by the sound of objects falling to the ground, so she looked hard at the closed window.

Push open to see when a figure only in front of a shimmering, blinked and then see clearly, the familiar person in front of you has disappeared completely and utterly.

Elena couldn't help but laugh at this guy, no wonder he appeared inside the room when she pushed open the door in the afternoon, so now he was talking about how to come and go is to climb the window to come and jump out of it?

After the laughter, the worry couldn't help but follow, wondering if he would go to the hospital as well as he said he would.

Even if Kent doesn't say it, her heart understands more clearly than anyone else that the reason he showed up was just because he knew Edward had approached her, so he wanted to come and know her position, know her answer, and also remind her ......


In her lost in thought, the door of the room was pushed open, the little woman's mind moved, quickly turned around, and sure enough, the person she was expecting was already standing in front of her.

Logan looked at her a little strangely, "Why are you standing here silly?"

"Waiting for you!" She raised her lips in a smile, picking out exactly what he wanted to hear.

Logan didn't believe me and raised his hand to pinch the delicate flesh on her face, "What did you secretly hide from me while I was away and still don't give an honest account?"

"No, really!" Elena ate the pain and was busy pulling down his hand looking at him with a sincere face.

Logan nearly fell under the spell of those soulful eyes again and quickly shook his head to cover her eyes, "Don't try to fool me, there were two used dishes on the table, who was here before I came back?"


Elena pulled his hand down violently, then knocked her head with chagrin, "How could I be so stupid to forget this!"

Logan was so angry and distressed, he pulled her self-abusing hand down and clutched it tightly in his hand, "Still not telling the truth?"

"I really can't hide anything from you!" Elena said with a depressed face without good grace.

The man laughed lowly, sexy and mellow voice charming surprisingly, nearly confused her mind, thinking about this, the little woman more and more angry, the small face is written full of reluctance.

Logan was not annoyed, but helplessly sighed lightly, not waiting for her answer has directly pierced the truth, "Kent has come?"

"How do you know!?" The little woman stared round with a stunned expression, how could she not believe that he had actually guessed so accurately!

"Do you still need to ask? Naturally, I guessed."

Faced with his confidence, someone's face was full of disbelief, "How can you guess so accurately if you guess randomly? Say, did you come back long ago?"

"Can the lady not know when I will be back?"

"How am I supposed to know that?" She frowned.

The man laughed openly and pressed her little head into his arms, "Haven't you always been able to easily distinguish the scent of my body? If I come back, how can I hide it from you?"


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