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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 456

Elena looked at him, suddenly quiet, slowly lowered her eyes, the whole person also seems to have no life in general, "Sorry, so late yesterday, but also let you worry."

"Silly girl, it's not what you think either."

Logan silently took her into his arms and dropped his big hands on her back to smooth her breath, "Are you still scared now?"

"No." Elena hurriedly said good words, hugging him and couldn't help but pout, "With you around, how can I still be afraid? You are the super hero in my heart! Will drive away all the demons and monsters for me!"

Logan couldn't help but laugh lowly, his face was written with helplessness, "In that case, how come you were just as scared in my arms yesterday?"

Elena won't admit to being a horse's behind, and continues to explain doggedly, "I, I was panicking that I couldn't see you, that's why ......"

Logan was almost angry with her, having seen blind nonsense, but never seen her talking so blindly.

Elena giggled out loud, small hands could not help but immediately hug his hug tightened him, "I'm sorry well, I really did not mean to scare you?"

"No." Logan shook his head, dropping his eyes to his upturned belly and couldn't help but say, "It's just freaking out the baby."

Hearing the words, Elena instantly revealed a guilty look, "I ......"

Logan didn't pursue the rest, but just clasped her hand back, and his hot eyes met hers, "Did something happen when you went to Edward's yesterday? If not, why did you bring up Joanna when you were fine?"

Elena froze, "Did I talk in my sleep?"

"That said, in the dream, it was her name you were calling out too."

Elena immediately looked away, biting her lower lip, not knowing what to say to cover it up for a while.

She was reluctant to say anything, Logan had no choice but to sigh lightly.

"Elena, I'm not trying to force you, I just don't want you to hide everything in your heart or smother everything, you'll ...... crush yourself sooner or later!"

Plus, she's still pregnant with her baby and it's not good to be stressed out.

Elena tightened her grip on the sheet and after taking a deep breath remained obstinate and shook her head, "Logan, it's not that I don't want to say it, but I don't know what to say."

She always felt that there was one more thing she needed to authenticate in person to know the answer, so she couldn't say ......

The man's deep eyes fell on her body, bland and cold, so that her heart gradually followed down down down down, and finally sank to the bottom ......

Elena's lips opened and closed slightly, and at the end, she just spat out three words, "I'm sorry."

Logan really can not, looking at her look heartbroken, but also can not ignore her, finally just a long sigh, silently back to hug her, "I do not force you, and no longer ask."

As with the things he kept from her, when there is a mutual willingness to talk, everything will be known.

Now, maybe it's just not time yet ......

Logan's understanding, Elena's heart of guilt can not help but deepen a few more, small face slightly drooping, trembling eyelashes with endless sadness.


Elena was still immersed in a sea of guilt, when she looked up and saw him, she was shocked.


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