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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 464

A group of servants are suspicious of each other, you push and push me, but no one said anything.

Edward laughed, "No one knows? Or is it that no one wants to talk about it?"

"Alice!" one of the maids suddenly raised a few decibels, "Miss Bush came to visit today, Alice was with her the whole time and went to see Kent with her, she must know!"

Alice is the same maid who had previously spilled the beans about the other house.

This time heard his name, almost scared legs followed the weak, "I ...... I did not, I do not know ah!"

Edward lifted his finger to her, "Come out and talk."

Alice shoulders involuntarily followed a shudder, the heart is hesitant to do what should be good, but despite this, do not know who made a bad hand to push her out, more nearly jumped into Edward's arms.

Fortunately, the feet in time to stabilize the step, which did not rush him.

Alice stood in front of Edward, only to feel the pressure of a huge pressure down, almost pressed she could not breathe.

Edward looked up at her with a harmless smile on his face, "Your name is Alice, isn't it?"

"Yes ......"

"So tell me, what do you know?"

"I, I ......" Alice was inadvertently anxious to break out in a sweat, obviously scared.

Edward still smiled faintly, "What are you afraid of? It's not like I'm going to do anything to you or think about making you do anything, just asking if you know about Kent?"

"I don't know, I really don't know." Alice immediately shook her head, "I only know that Miss Bush came and waited for Kent for a while, and when he woke up and looked at him for a while, said something and left, that time Kent was also in ah, but I ...... I do not know how to ... ..."

Alice was forced to almost cry out, small face nervously staring at Edward looked, "Mr...... Mr. Ford, I said all true ah, the rest, I do not know anything!"

Edward didn't bother to look at her, just swept his gaze to the group of servants in front of him, "What about you guys? What do you guys know?"

At the word, all shook their heads.

Edward raised his hand and slapped it heavily on the coffee table, "A bunch of losers! So many people can't watch one seriously injured person, what the hell are you all doing!"

No one dares to say anything, and no one will be stupid to come out at this time, they are not stupid, at this time Edward is angry, can not be sure that a head of gas will all be spilled on their bodies.

"Forget it!"

Edward waved off his hand, "Since no one knows, let's all disperse and save our time here!"

A sentence spit out, almost everyone was shocked stop dismayed.

No one expected Edward to be so nice at times, and no one knew that Edward had no intention to pursue the matter further!

Alice, who was standing on the side, couldn't help but follow the accident and cast her eyes on Edward's body.

Edward turned his face and smiled faintly at her, "What? If you don't know, why should I keep you? Do what you have to do, don't hang around here!"

Inexplicably, Alice always felt that the words were addressed to someone else, and he wouldn't let himself go.

So, she subconsciously took a few steps back.

Just don't want to, the person has not had time to disappear, Edward looked at her gaze but did not move away, but followed a few sharp, "Wait, you come here."


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