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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 470

Edward contacted Roger a few days later, he looked at Roger who appeared in the field of vision, his eyes could not ignore the amazement, the movement of the cup also unconsciously followed the shaking, "I really did not expect that the person who bought the Lees' five percent of the shares is actually you."

Roger slowly sat down in front of him, and then couldn't help but laugh, "I wouldn't have thought that the person who was going to acquire the shares was you."

The two looked at each other with a smile, followed by a mutual speculative gaze, "What are you doing to acquire the Brown Group for good reason, when you're minding your Mo's?"

"Edward ......"

Roger leaned back and gave him a good look, "You should know that the most beloved woman in my life died in the Browns and was abandoned by the Browns."

"I understand, it's because I understand, that's why I'm thinking of taking out this bad breath for you!"

Roger froze and quickly reacted, he thought, if he really knew nothing, perhaps ...... would really believe him on this, only to ......

Edward finished, as if also perceived did not have too much credibility, quickly ignored the past, "only ...... that five percent of the shares in your hands also can not play any use, rather than sell me, I came ... ..."

Roger was not impressed, "How is it not useful?"

Edward frowned, "What, you're interested in the Brown Group too?"


"Then why are you still ......"

Roger tapped on the sofa followed by a beat, "I have never married in my life and have not left a child, so I have always treated her child as if it were my own."

"So, you're trying to help Logan?"

Roger also does not deny, Edward immediately sank down, "Roger, I and you are more than ten years of friends, so many years more when each other is a confidant."

"We are confidants, but I also have to think of Logan as my child. When I bought the shares I thought I could help him one day, and you should know better than anyone that he is not well received at the Browns, and I can only think for him."

His words were in good sense and there was nothing wrong with them.

Edward gritted his teeth, "But I'm also helping him now, the Browns have no place for him and are targeting me at every turn, the reason I'm destroying the Brown Group is to help you, to help him, and to help me!"

At the sound of his voice, Roger was instantly silent.

Edward saw the movement on his face and then continued, "Roger, we've been friends for so many years, don't you think I'd lie to you? The Browns want my daughter for themselves too, I can't swallow this!"


Roger took his hand and patted it, "I know what you're thinking, but those are children's things, we're all old, instead of thinking about that, we should be thinking about how to take care of ourselves."

"Impossible!" Edward coldly lowered his face, "Elena is my only daughter and the only thing Joanna left me, I will never give her up in this life!"

"But she is already married and is about to have a child, so why do you have to force her?"

He was a little confused as to what was stopping Elena and Logan from being together, much less, why he was so obsessed!

Edward clenched his teeth and stared intently at his hands, "You're not me, how can you understand?"

Roger gave him a look, and in the end, he sighed, full of helplessness.

"Roger, after all that, I just want to know, are you helping, or not helping me?"


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