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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 475

Kent looked down at the hand that was holding his slim white hand, a trance under his eyes, and did not know what he remembered, then turned into a smile, "Well."

It was about time, although he was completely prepared, only, it was not good to stay too long.

Elena slowly let go of her hand, "What about your injury? How has it been for a while?"

"It's almost healed, just a few bruises left." Kent let out a long breath, a look of relief written all over his face.

Elena stared carefully for a while, as if she could see that he did not have any intention of lying before she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When he lifted his face again, his small face was also pinned with a little subdued, "Then go back quickly, feel free to contact me if anything happens, and as for the Audriana thing, I know you'll be unhappy, but I ......"

"Okay, I know all about it."

Kent interrupted her in time, "You don't need to say I understand, your heart nature I also clear, so also can't impose my ideas on your body."

This, he had to admit, Logan did do even better than he did.

After all, Logan knew more than he did about what was in her heart, and subsequently indulged her with his own approach and tolerated her ......

Elena guffawed, "Well, thanks ......"

Kent couldn't help but slightly hug her in a false hug, his thin lips ambled to her ear and whispered, "Don't worry too much about me, I'll come back to see you when the baby is born."


Elena grinned with a smile full of tenderness, "Then both the baby and I will wait for you to come!"


He said, put the mask and hat back on, then pushed the door open and looked around quickly disappeared from sight of the two.

Elena slowly sat down, a pair of eyes how can not raise a little half light to.

Logan tenderly circled her into his arms, as if he could feel her emotions at the moment, patted her back and said softly, "What are you doing with a bitter face? It's just a momentary separation, don't make it look like you're parting with your life."

"It's not life and death! Don't talk nonsense." Elena pouted her red lips in discontent and protested.

Logan laughed and nodded, "Good."

"Logan ......"

The little woman stuck her head in his arms and hugged him back, "Thank you."

Thank him for never knowing what she wanted to do, and for never indulging her in anything.

She was more capricious than anyone else, and more demanding than anyone else, but he never complained, and would only do what he could to satisfy her, as in the case of Kent.

She had been worried ever since she broke off contact with Kent, but he saw it but said nothing, just silently contacted him and arranged for the two of them to meet.

"Silly girl." Logan patted the top of her head with no good grace, "What are you doing talking about this for a good reason, don't let go yet, the food is getting cold."

"It's not afraid to be cold anymore when it's that hot." Elena bristled.

Logan is not able to do anything about her cheating at this time, but just laughing lightly, big hand stroking her long hair one by one, with the undisguised tenderness in his eyes.

Elena couldn't see it, but couldn't have felt it more clearly.

She narrowed her eyes in his arms with a dependent face and rubbed them, "I don't care, even if you have to push me away I won't let go, and you're not allowed to push away."


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