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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 510

Edward's words are like forcing her to the edge of a cliff, leaping and pulverizing ......

But turning his head, he blocked in front of her ......

The hands hanging on either side of her were uneasily clasped together, silently clenched, "Edward, you tried everything to make me stay in G City, so what? You can keep my person, but you can't keep my heart!"

"Your heart is only for a moment, in time you will understand that Logan is nothing to you."

"Heh ......" she kind of laughed, "Edward, do you know why Kent wanted to take me away in the first place but couldn't?"

Edward tightened his brow, Eeyore did not know about the existence of this matter.

Elena looked over at him, "Maybe he guessed this day would come and that's why he tried everything to take me away, to take me away from H City, to a strange city, away from Logan, and away from you ......"

But he didn't do anything after all, and she stayed by Logan's side just as well, so why?

"What do you want to say?" Edward stored a trace of uneasiness in his heart, always feeling that Elena was surprisingly calm now.

"If you want to know, you can ask Kent what he really did, so what if he took me away? I came back just the same, didn't I?"

She sat there in a mood that had never been more peaceful.

Edward narrowed his eyes, "Don't try to confuse me, and don't think you can cover up this matter, I just need an answer from you, to leave, or not to leave! Other than that, I will make my own decision!"

"Not away!"

"Elena!" Edward slapped a heavy hand on the table, "Aren't you afraid of death!?"

"So you're afraid I'll die?" She sneered, without a trace of warmth in her eyes.

Edward "You're going to threaten me?"

"You can take nothing for granted." She blandly looked away, not bothering to look at him.

Edward clutched the divorce papers in his hand, the hate in his eyes kept growing, "Elena, don't you force me, do you think you can wait until he comes? Or, do you think he's coming?"

"Those have nothing to do with you!"

Even though her mind knew better than anyone else that Logan had come and even appeared at the Fords, she was determined not to let him know!

"Elena ah Elena, you look forward to him, and waiting for him, but if one day ...... you have nothing left, and you clearly know Logan is a thin-skinned man, what should you do?"

"Before I recognized him as a thin-skinned man, it was also clear to me that you were nothing but a madman! A madman who is constantly exploiting my freedom, my right to live!"

"I did it for your own good! What's wrong with divorcing Logan? I can take care of you and the baby in your belly, and you can spend the rest of your lives safe and sound under my protection, and Logan? Can he do that?"

Edward's mouth is dry, but the person in front of him is still not listening to anything in general.

She said lightly, "How do you know he can't do it if he hasn't done it?"

"Just by what I'm doing now, I can prove that he can't give you a stable life at all, you are destined to be uprooted when you are with him!"

Edward once again pushed the divorce papers in front of her, "Elena, I'm giving you one more chance, do you say yes, or no?"


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